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MySQL is the world's most popular open source free database management system and is popular among developers during application deve...


MMO stands for " Make Money Online ", also known as making money online.  This is the job you use a computer or phone (mostly co...


Localhost is a term that is mentioned a lot in web design and blogger.  So what does this term mean?  How does it work?  How to install l...


jQuery is a new style library of JavaScript, created by John Resig in 2006 with a great motto: Write less, do more - Write less, do more....


JavaScript is a programming language of HTML and WEB.  It is lightweight and most commonly used as part of web pages, but their implement...


Welcome to the HTML world, and this is also the introduction for you to know what HTML is and how it is applied, to understand why it is ...

Email Marketing

What is email marketing is the form of using email (email) with content about information / sales / marketing / introducing products to cus...

