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What is the maximum ATM withdrawal limit at Sacombank?

How much money did Sacombank ATM withdraw? This is a problem that many customers who use card services at banks are interested in. With the limit set by Sacombank. You can only withdraw money with the specified limit only, if the withdrawal amount exceeds the specified limit. The transaction will not be executed.

Sacombank ATM card brings users many different utilities. Using the card you do not need to carry a lot of money in person. When necessary, you can go to ATMs to withdraw cash. However, you do not want to withdraw as much as you want. The withdrawal amount is subject to a certain limit. Join to find out how much is the maximum withdrawal limit for Sacombank ATM cards.

What is the maximum ATM withdrawal amount at Sacombank?

atm sacombank maximum withdrawal amount

Sacombank ATM cards and ATM cards of all banks have specific withdrawal limits. This limit is notified by the bank when making a card. You cannot withdraw over the limit. If you want to withdraw an amount larger than the limit, go directly to the counter to make withdrawal procedures.

Whether you are new to Sacombank ATM card or have been using it for a long time, you should know the card's withdrawal limit. It will help you withdraw money accurately, quickly, without errors because of overdrawing limit.

Maximum withdrawal amount at ATM Sacombank will vary depending on the ATM you choose to withdraw money from. If you make a transaction at an internal ATM of Sacombank, you will be able to withdraw money with a larger limit than other ATMs of other banks.

Cash withdrawal limit at Sacombank ATMs

Sacombank ATM card withdrawal limit is 10 million/time and 100 million/day.

Compared to other joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam, this is quite a large amount. If you want to withdraw more than 100 million/day, please go to Sacombank transaction office for staff to guide you through withdrawal procedures. When you go, remember to bring your ID card to authenticate the account holder.

Maximum withdrawal amount at ATMs other than Sacombank

In case the customer withdraws money at an ATM other than Sacombank. The maximum amount to be withdrawn will be calculated according to the regulations of the bank whose ATM you come to withdraw money.

For example, if you withdraw money at a Vietcombank ATM, the withdrawal limit of 1 time, 1 day depends on the regulations of Vietcombank. However, the amount still cannot exceed 10 million/time and 100 million/day.

Normally, the limit for withdrawing money from Sacombank cards at other ATMs in the system is: 2 million/time and 10 million/day.

How much is the minimum withdrawal of Sacombank ATM card?

It's not just about the maximum withdrawal limit. The minimum amount to be withdrawn from Sacombank ATM card is also an issue you need to pay attention to.

The minimum amount to be withdrawn from Sacombank ATM card is 50,000 VND. The valid withdrawal amount is a multiple of 10,000 VND.

Steps to withdraw money from Sacombank ATM are as follows

atm sacombank maximum withdrawal amount

  • Step 1: Go to a Sacombank ATM or affiliated ATM

  • Step 2: Insert the card into the slot, select the language you want to use, and enter the card's pin code.

  • Step 3: Once you have successfully logged in, select the "Withdrawal" function.

  • Step 4: Here will display information about the available withdrawal limit. If you want to withdraw less or more, select “Other number”.

  • Step 5: Enter the amount you want to withdraw and click confirm, the system asks if you want to print the invoice. Click yes or no, printing the invoice will incur a fee.

  • Step 6: End the transaction to receive money and cards from the tree.

Refer to Sacombank ATM card withdrawal fee

  • If you withdraw money at an ATM in the same Sacombank system, the withdrawal fee is very low: only 1,100 VND/time.

  • If you withdraw money at an ATM that is not in the Sacombank banking system, the fee will be higher: 3,300 VND/time.

In general, this is a reasonable fee, somewhat more competitive than most commercial banks in Vietnam. In addition, please refer to the following fees related to Sacombank ATM cards:

  • Transfer fee: Transfer fee at Sacombank ATM is 2,200 VND/time. Transfer at ATMs that are not part of Sacombank's banking system, the fee is 3,300 VND/time.

  • Statement printing fee: After completing the transaction at the ATM, you can choose to print the statement as well. Statement printing fee is 500 VND/time.


Here I have introduced to you ATM WILLHow much maximum withdrawal is acombank? and some other relevant information. Please keep these knowledge in mind for a smooth and convenient withdrawal transaction.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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