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What is crisis communication? How to handle a media crisis?

Savvy communicators know that having a crisis plan in place before a situation emerges is crucial to the survival of any brand. But not every negative comment requires the mobilization of an entire army of proverbs. Some social media crises can be mitigated before they gain widespread attention. Do you have a clear understanding of what a media crisis is? Steps for proper crisis communication. How to use communication properly. Should the media be used for PR or not?

What is crisis communication?

What is crisis communication? A social media crisis is an event that can have a negative impact on the reputation of a brand, company, or individual. It could be something that happened offline and then made its way to social media channels, or it could start on social media channels, and then go viral. Examples of social media crises might be embarrassing photos, inappropriate posts by former or former employees, or vocal opinions that could reflect negatively on a company.

As social media allows posts to be shared countless times and at breakneck speed, dealing with them can be like putting out a fire.

In social media management, these crises are something everyone should plan for in advance. Some steps for placement could be:

  • Think carefully about prepared statements ahead of time for any controversial areas you may encounter.

  • Clearly communicate your organization's personal and social media guidelines to all employees who represent you on social media channels

  • Have an action plan in your organization for how to handle social media crises across departments and functions.

  • Make sure you have social media coverage after hours and during holidays

What is a media crisis?
What is a media crisis?

What are the principles of crisis communication?

Once you've recognized the signs of an incoming media crisis, if you can't immediately deal with it, learn how to deal with it. This is not simply a method but an art of handling crisis communication. Only media managers who know these rules will have an easier time getting through this crisis and moving forward.

1. Prepare yourself mentally

In any situation, whatever happens, the person who is mentally stable is the ultimate winner. Take a deep breath, then make a list as complete as you can of possible directions. Then immediately recognize the human resources and give appropriate optimal solutions

2. Data collection

Gather forces, collect all possible facts. Then immediately form a professional crisis team, consider what factors and facts can be made available to the press and what data needs to be kept secret. The richness in providing data will partly gain the trust of a part of customers, temporarily satisfying part of the question to avoid doubts.

Remember to consider your own backup media to avoid unnecessary omissions and to be able to quickly take the initiative in the behind-the-scenes work.

3. Actively take action

The one who takes the initiative is the one who has a higher chance of winning, in this case too. Always be proactive in the communication work and learn about the sources of false rumors to promptly extinguish to avoid the outbreak of the media crisis. Absolutely avoid being passive, to focus on a solution will be extremely difficult, unable to turn back in time

4. Focus on press conference

Attracting the attention of the masses and the media, and at the same time being able to express opinions directly and quickly. However, it is necessary to avoid disclosing photos of people without permission. The observance in action is a very bright plus point.

5. Communication with the media

Leverage the power of the media to turn the tide. What is communication? It is an interaction, a double-edged sword, so don't ignore this effective tool because of the attack of the crisis. Always keep a record of the contact information of reporters and journalists in case of need.

6. Acknowledgment of mistakes

Beat those who run away, no one hits those who run back. A sincere attitude to admit mistakes as well as a desire to correct them is better than trying to deny and hide the mistake. Know how to acknowledge mistakes so that you can receive a positive view of everyone as well as draw experiences to develop more and more.

7. Nothing is unofficial

Absolutely do not trust the words of reporters, journalists or anyone working in this field of multimedia that they will keep your secret. A button can also be a recorder, take pictures. Always be careful, don't let your long-term saving efforts go down the drain just because of your trust in people.

What are the types of crisis communication?

What is crisis communication? Many companies view every potential crisis (regardless of size) as a call to action to make a statement, to prevent it from becoming a problem. Ironically, drawing attention to a small issue on social media can sometimes do great damage to a reputation. Knowing how to identify the type of crisis and the appropriate response it requires can help brands save face after incidents large or small.

By examining your company's audience and vulnerabilities ahead of time, you can create protocols for each of the following three tiers:

What is a media crisis?
What is a media crisis?

Tier 1: Multi-channel

An omnichannel crisis is most likely to cause harm because it attracts the most publicity. If a brand is dealing with an extreme situation, such as an allegation of workplace harassment, a product recall, or a corporate mismatch, it can expect negative media feedback. social media and in traditional media.

Prepare by having a strong crisis management plan that is regularly practiced and updated. In situations like these, a quick and authentic response can make all the difference. Ensure that all messages are posted not only on the company website but also on any social channels that are receiving a positive response.

Level 2: Rise up

An emerging crisis in your social community has the potential to escalate and become a real problem, but it can be diffused if not handled quickly. Most emerging crises take the form of customer complaints about service issues or changes to a brand's products, and often begin on social media.

While it can be tempting to confront these complaints with a community-wide post, a one-on-one approach with complaining customers is a better option to keep the problem out of hand. Always monitor all social channels so that when criticism comes up, you are ready to respond immediately to that particular person or people. This way, your company can remain accountable for the reporting and can ensure the problem stays small.

What is a media crisis?
What is a media crisis?

Level 3: Adjacent to the partner

Crises adjacent to the collaborator are often associated crises. When a supplier or competitor is experiencing a social media crisis, your followers may question your company's relationship with you and whether your brand is knowledgeable about the issue. whether it causes a crisis or not.

The key here is to be proactive. While you're monitoring your own social channels, be sure to monitor the channels of any competitors or suppliers that have a crisis that could reflect negatively on your organization. When you become aware of such an incident, issue statements as quickly as possible to help steer your brand away from the problem, and be sure to evaluate any planned social posts to confirm they are correct. won't conflict with your response.

By taking a one-size-fits-all approach to crisis management on social media, you can protect your brand and keep the digital community's focus on your content. .

Communication crisis is something that every business does not want to happen. In crisis management, there is no standard procedure. Because during a crisis, things change constantly. So what businesses need is preparation. And flexibly apply crisis communication principles. To suit each situation, the situation at that time.

Key word:

  • Case study of media crisis

  • Communication crisis

  • Example of handling media crisis in Vietnam

  • An example of a media crisis

  • Causes of the media crisis

  • Media crisis in Vietnam

  • Consequences of the media crisis

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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