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What is blog marketing? How to start an effective Marketing Blog

To start a Blog and use it to promote your business, there are 5 basic steps:

  • Make a Blog Marketing Plan: What Will You Share on Your Blog? News, tips, knowledge,…? Furthermore, how often will you update your blog? Daily, weekly, etc.?

  • Create Your Blog: Decide on your Blog platform and set it up, including customizing it for your business. Be sure to use the same logo on your Blog as on the Website (if you have a separate website) to maintain consistency. If you use a free Blog platform (not recommended for business blogs), let a domain name point to Blog to make it easier for consumers to access your site.

  • Write regularly and periodically: Readers don't want to visit a Blog with only one or two articles. You should invest in content and write articles, set up a regular schedule of posts to post up-to-date blog posts.

  • Social Media Integration: It is very easy to integrate social media into your Blog so that your Blog posts reach your followers.

  • Respond to Comments: People will ask questions, provide feedback, or share their opinions, so it's a good idea to regularly monitor and respond to your readers.

  • Use Your Blog to Encourage Email Signups: Signing up is another great way to keep people interested in your business, offering more opportunities to generate leads. A compelling content strategy and exceptional sharing materials will be the thing to entice your email subscribers.

Can bloggers make money?

The answer is absolutely yes, and making money from blogging is always the way to be applied today. Here are some ways to make money from blogging.

marketing blog
marketing blog

Blog advertising – affiliate marketing

You can use affiliate marketing in which you use your blog to promote products to others and earn commissions from those products. If a marketing blog has high engagement and the right topic, it will get valuable affiliate marketing contracts.

Blog Advertising – PPC

In addition, you can also let partners run PPC ads and enjoy the cost per click. This form can be used and applied to entertainment blogs such as skill instruction blogs, game review blogs, story reading, etc.

Sell ​​your own products on the blog

You can use your own blog to make money selling your own products. Once the blog has high traffic and good interaction, it can be used to advertise and make money from it.

Today's popular blogging platforms

At this point, you probably already understand what a Blog is, right? So do you know which are the most commonly used blogging platforms today? We can take the example of a very famous platform that is WordPress.

WordPress is a tool to help you create a free blog with your email address, you can learn more about wordpress in the article: What is WordPress shared by MarketingAI. WordPress is an interesting tool and there are many themes and plugins to help users satisfy all their needs. Therefore, if you are looking to use a blog for a long time and want to make money from it, then choose WordPress.

There are also other platforms that can be mentioned such as:

Some frequently asked questions about blog marketing

With what we have learned, the concept of what Blog is probably no longer makes it difficult for you. However, there are many other very common questions surrounding this topic. Below we will list some frequently asked questions about the Blog for your reference.

Blogging is doing?

Blogging is a term for blogging skills and blogging. This only needs to use internet tools to manage. Blogging has been around since the 2000s and it helps to blur the line between journalism and blogging.

Who is Blogger?

Blogger is a word for people who write and operate blogs, these people can be users with their own hobby of creating blogs. It can also be occupational if it is for regular and professional use.

marketing blog
marketing blog

What topic should I choose for my blog?

As you know, the purpose of a blog is to attract as much people's attention as possible to get the most visits to it. Therefore, you should choose a topic that many people are interested in, but that topic also needs to have your passion as well as your understanding. When you have knowledge of the issues people care about, it can then develop into personal posts to help others solve their problems. Some of the topics that many people are interested in today are health, technology, fashion, fitness, etc.

History of blogging marketing and blogging

Since then, there has been a lot of controversy about the date of the blog's birth. However, the term Weblog was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1977 and a few years later "blog" was also introduced. Therefore, the idea of ​​blogging has been around since 2 decades, and with the development of the Internet, 2 decades is similar to a hundred years. Blogging began to grow at the beginning of the 2nd millennium. For example, in 2002 the influence of blogging and blogging was huge and received a lot of controversy.

It started happening when Heather B. Armstrong created her personal blog site and she wrote for co-workers on it which led to her being fired from the company. At that time, there was a lot of controversy about privacy on the Internet.

The following year, the world saw the birth of WordPress and it seemed to have changed blogging because anyone could create their own blog. This is also the time when Blogging websites attract a lot of attention from the community. There have been many blogs that have been able to make money from advertising extremely quickly, it shows the possibility of the new industry of blogging. More notably, during this time, google acquired

Key word:

  • What is Blog Marketing?

  • Blog Marketing Vietnam

  • Social media Marketing

  • The Moz blog

  • Marketing Land

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  • Famous Vietnamese marketers

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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