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Socialism and Communism - News Boss

The past two days I have attended a tour through the Kaga region in Ishikawa Prefecture of Japan. During the tour, I and some Vietnamese people had an interesting conversation with an elderly Japanese doctor who acted as an interpreter for the whole tour group. The content of the story first revolves around my education, what to do in the future, and then gradually it leads to my opinion about Vietnam's economy, that currently, in my opinion, Vietnam's economy is " boom", which roughly means the economy is developing rapidly. When people asked him if Vietnam could become like Japan, he firmly said "yes". However, his immediate reply on the condition to be like Japan was "need a non-corrupt government". Attracted by this topic, I tried to ask him if he knew that Vietnam is currently a one-party system, and he seemed a little surprised, but he was even more surprised when I The name of the Party is “Communist Party” but the name of the country is “The Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. Uncle immediately asked a very interesting question that I had never asked myself before and did not find out: “So what is the difference between Socialism and Communism? any?"

Answering this question is certainly not easy if we do not study a little more. At that time, the whole group was just trying to find a few points to analyze the differences, but almost all of them were self-deductive on personal opinions, none of which was based on strict reasoning or knowledge at all. Then I went online to find out more and found some very interesting points about these two concepts and everything is much clearer now.

You are watching: What is Socialism?

The reference I read myself is on this page Basically these two concepts talk about a form of society based on public ownership instead of private ownership like Capitalism (capitalism), and a prominent feature is the centralized economy (centralized planning). However, socialism evolved directly from capitalism while communism was seen as the higher form (ideal form) of socialism.

Reference: The concept and classification of the party – The concept of the party The impact of the internal environment

For Socialism, the distribution of wealth in society will be based on capabilities (deeds), for example, each person's ability, quality of work, etc. Whereas the distribution of Communism is based on needs (needs). It is clear from this definition of distribution that Communism is an almost impossible and impractical form of society. Maybe that's why it's called the ideal form. If the distribution is based on need, it means that even if you do a lot, you will get the same as if you do little, which is obviously very difficult to do. Only when everyone feels working is a noble thing and everyone works hard for the common good, then communism can be achieved.

In short, Socialism is a much more practical form than Communism. However, the application of the model of public ownership and a centralized economy has clearly shown that it is not suitable for the development trend of society because it suppresses competition and does not promote development. The name “The Socialist Republic of Vietnam” is therefore more like a form of society we are trying to move forward than the one currently existing in Vietnam. But even though the name of our country is Socialist, the standards that Vietnam is aiming for will still be the same as other countries: prosperity, justice, democracy, civilization. At that time, we should also consider Socialist in the country's name as an identifier left by history, not separating our country from the general development of the world. Looking directly at the facts, we are currently still in the process of building the basic foundation of Capitalism, which is the market economy. What about Communism? Maybe only in heaven…

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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