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[Quy đổi] How much is 1 Japanese man in Vietnamese Dong (VND)?

How much is 1 Man in Vietnamese Dong? is the question of many people who are intending to study abroad, travel or export labor to the land of cherry blossoms - Japan. Let's learn about this issue with in the article below.

Introducing Japanese Money

Japanese Yen known as the official unit of money in Japan. After USD and Euro, this is the most commonly traded currency.

  • The English name of the Japanese Yen is: JAPANESE YEN.
  • Abbreviated as JPY.
  • Currency symbol: ¥.
  • Yen has two forms: metal coins and banknotes.

How much is 1 man in Vietnam?
The Japanese Yen exchange rate is of interest to many people.

Currently, there are two forms of Yen coins, metal coins and banknotes.

  • Coins include: 1 yen coin, 5 yen coin, 10 yen coin, 50 yen coin, 100 yen coin and 500 yen coin.
  • Banknotes: Includes 1000 yen note, 2000 yen note, 5000 yen note and 10000 yen note.

Like other currencies in the world today, the price of Japanese Yen or Japanese Man also fluctuates depending on the Japanese economy and the world economy. Therefore, regularly updating the Yen exchange rate helps you to be more proactive in financial transactions.

What Is Man? Of Which Country?

You may know the Japanese Yen as the official currency in Japan. So what is Man Nhat or Sen Nhat? In fact, this is just a way of calling international students or trainees in Japan. In terms of value Man and Sen are both more valuable than Yen.

1 Man Equal How Much Japanese Yen?

You can easily convert from 1 Man Japanese to Japanese Yen or Japanese Sen to Vietnamese currency very simply as follows:

  • 1 Japanese Sen = 1,000 Japanese Yen.
  • 1 Japanese Man = 10,000 Japanese Yen.
  • 1 Japanese Man = 10 Japanese Sen.
  • 1 Card = 1 Man = 10 Sen = 10,000 Japanese Yen.

How much Vietnamese Dong (VND) is 1 Japanese Man?

So how much is 1 Japanese Man equal to Vietnamese Dong? 1 Man to VND? By billion Man price today At the latest, the price of 1 Yen is equal to 213.67 (VND) Vietnam Dong.


1 Japanese Man = 2,136,672.31 VND.

1 man to VND
The Japanese currency is available in both coins and banknotes.

Based on that, it is possible to calculate the price of Man and the price of Japanese Sen as follows:

Man coin ()Vietnamese Dong (VND)
1 Man2,157,146 (VND)
5 Man10,785,730(VND)
10 Man21,571,460 (VND)
11 Man21,571,460 (VND)
14 Man23,728.610 (VND)
15 Man35,257,190 (VND)
20 Man43,142,920 (VND)
50 Man107,857,300 (VND)
100 Man215,714,600 (VND)

However, this converted amount may change continuously based on Yen exchange rate fluctuations.

Japanese Man Rates At Banks Today

Based on the Japanese Yen exchange rate announced in many banks and the way to convert 1 Man = 1000 Japanese Yen. introduces the specific Japanese Man currency reference rate table as follows:

BankBuy cashBuy transferCash saleSell ​​transfer
ABBank2.178,2002,187,000 won2,251,3002,258,100
Bao Viet Bank2,206,7002,236,000 won
Dong A Bank2.160,000 won2,204,000 won2,230,000 won2,233,000 won
GPBank2,204,4002,236,000 won
Hong Leong2,185,4002,202,4002,239,200
HSBC2.160,000 won2.180,000 won2,250,000 won2,250,000 won
Kien Long2.187,6002,204,2002,238,500
Lien Viet2,195,4002,200,4002,236,700
MSB2,168,000 won2,253,000 won
MBBank2.160,000 won2.175,4002,260,9002,260,900
South Asia2,166,5002,196,5002,245,200
PublicBank2,140,000 won2.160,000 won2.260,000 won2.260,000 won
PVcomBank2,170,000 VND2,145,000 won2,258,000 won2,258,000 won
SCB2,196,000 won2,209,000 VND2,243,000 won2,243,000 won
Techcombank2,178,000 won2,182,8002,272,800
UOB2,154,4002.187,7002,255,000 won
VietABank2.180,000 won2,200,000 won2,240,000 won

2,168,000 won


The latest updated Man Japan exchange rate table!

Where Is Safe and Reliable Japanese Money Exchange?

When it is necessary to change the Japanese Man into Vietnamese currency or vice versa, many people will wonder where it is safe to change. However, there is a slight difference between these two conversions as follows:

Convert Japanese Money to Vietnamese Dong

Although you can buy Japanese currency very easily, changing Japanese currency to Vietnamese currency is a bit more complicated, especially for large transactions. The bank often requires you to confirm exactly if you go to Japan without passing: the admission notice of Japanese schools, air tickets, labor export contracts, etc. great.

How much is 1 man in Vietnam?
Japanese banknotes printed with the image of a great man.

In case you want to change money in Japan, you just need to bring your passport. If you need more simplicity, you can go to licensed gold shops to collect and exchange foreign currency for exchange. If you change a lot, you can call them to your house.

Convert Vietnamese Dong to Japanese Dong

If you want to change Vietnamese money into Japanese Man, Japanese Yen, you can go to the banks to change it, which will be the most prestigious. Please follow the exchange rate table carefully to compare the buying and selling rates at banks to make the best choice.

What To Note When Changing Japanese Currency?

How much is 1 Man in Vietnamese Dong? The value of Man Nhat is very large, so when changing Man money into Vietnamese currency, you also need to pay attention to some issues such as:

  • You should change Japanese currency to Vietnamese currency in Vietnam because the conversion cost is more appropriate, without losing the exchange rate.
  • Go to reputable banks to make sure you get the right value compared to the market.
  • It is not recommended to transact at small currency exchange shops because they are easily taken advantage of or have high exchange rate differences.
  • Prepare the necessary documents for the money conversion process to ensure that you can change money quickly and smoothly.

FQA – Some questions when exchanging money for Japanese Man

Is it fine to change Man Nhat money at a gold shop?

Obviously yes, the law has stipulated that Acts of buying and selling foreign currency at organizations that are not allowed to exchange foreign currencies are subject to administrative penalties in accordance with the law.

How much is 10 Man in Vietnamese Dong?

10 Man = 21,571,460 (VND) ie 21 million 571 thousand 460 VND.

13 Man equals how much Vietnam Dong?

13 man = 28,042,898 (VND) ie 28 million 042 thousand 898 dong.

How much is 15 Man in Vietnamese Dong?

15 man = 35,257,190 (VND) ie 35 million 257 thousand 190 dong.

How to convert Japanese Man to VND exchange rate?

You can refer to a few ways below:

  • Way 1: Go directly to a bank branch/transaction office to see the exchange rate
  • Way 2: Use google search tool to convert Man to VND
  • Way 3: Convert Man to VND with converters on Websites
  • 4 . way: Exchange currency through some mobile apps.

Which bank sells Man Japan at the lowest price?

According to the latest Japanese Yen exchange rate, Dong A Bank is the bank with the lowest yen exchange rate with 1 yen = 223 VND equivalent to 1 man = 2,230,000 VND/man.

Selling Man Dong at which bank has the highest price?

VietBank is the bank with the highest man conversion rate in the market with the price of 1 man = 2,201,600 VND/Man ie 2 million 209 thousand VND

see more: How much is 1 million USD in Vietnam Dong?


Through the information shared above, I hope you can answer it for yourself How much is 1 Man in Vietnamese Dong? and get useful information about the currency in Japan. If you still have questions, please leave them below.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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