The story of approaching or learning a new technology has never ceased to be hot. If you are struggling to start your first project with Spring Boot, then JHipster is the solution for you. JHipster is not only for you project with Spring Boot, it is also suitable for you to start practicing with Angular or React with CRUD from backend to frontend and more.
What is JHipster?
JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular/React Web applications and Spring microservices.
You are watching: What is Jhipster
Simply put, JHipster (short for Java Hipster) is a simple way for us to create a project around the most popular technologies with Spring technologies and Angular/React. When we start the project we will be interested in 3 aspects:
- What will the server side stack look like?
- What will the client side stack look like?
- How can we deploy our project?
Server side
When we start building the backend, the questions that concern us are:
- What language do we choose?
- What will the data layer look like?
- How secure will the system be?
- System maintainability and scalability?
- How to provide API document?
- How to test the application? The answer will be when you look at the list of technologies that JHipster provides:
Client side
With powerful frontend frameworks
Deply projects easily
Why choose JHipster
With the above mentioned, I hope you know the reasons why you should choose JHipster. We will easily get a powerful enough project with all the basics to get started in the fastest time. And if you are practicing with Spring to become a Java Web developer then you should be interested in this technology.
Create your first project with JHipster
What you need to start creating your first project with JHipster:
- Install Java 8 Oracle website
- Install Node.js Node.js website
- Install Yeoman: npm install -g yo
- Install JHipster: npm install -g generator-jhipster
You can also use Yarn/Homebrew/Chocolatey/Docker to install JHipster.
With the above JHipster installation step if you want to use Client side with Angular JS then your JHipster version must be < 5. Then you can run the following command:
npm install -g [email protected]
Create project:
Execute on Terminal/cmd:
- Create an empty folder where the project will be. mkdir myapplication
- Go to the folder just created cd myapplication/
- Generate app : jhipster
- Choose what's right for your project
You now have a project with:
- Backend: Spring Boot + Spring Security
- Database:
- MySQL (production)
- H2 with disk-based (development)
- Frontend: Bootstrap + SASS + Angular 7 (or lower depending on the version of JHipster you installed above) After running, you will get the results as below. It is also a guide for you to build your project locally.
Run your Spring Boot application:
./mvnw (mvnw if using Windows Command Prompt)
Client application generated successfully. Start your Webpack development server with:
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npm start
Notes when choosing in the config project above:
- Jhipster supports you to setup multiple languages in your project
- JHipster has created for you project with both development and production environments.
- In the development environment: if you don't want to install the databases locally.
- You can use H2 with disk-based or H2 in -memory. Both allow you to use the database right in the interface of the application.
- H2 in-memory: data will be lost when you restart the server.
- H2 with disk-based: data will not be lost when you restart the server.
- If you do not use the above 2 types of databases, you will have to create a local schema and edit the config with the database in the code.
For example you use Mysql.
In the project directory:
datasource: type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hello?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC username: root password:
Then hello will be the schema name that you need to create locally.
JHipster helps you with 1 command line that has full CRUD both backend and frontend Try to learn it on JHipster doc
Above I showed you how to create and run a project with jhipster. Try creating and “playing” with it, you will love it soon enough. I will share more about it in more detail in future posts!
See also: World
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