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11+ Easiest way to get out of debt

Debt not only causes economic pressure but also creates fatigue and stress. When the debt piled up, how to solve the problem?

In life, we do not always have enough money to serve our daily activities. At that time, we often deal with that urgent fee by taking out a loan. But if you do not know how to manage your finances, that debt will be difficult to repay. We will reveal it to you How to get out of debt what to do, how to do it. Find out more in the summary below.

Plentiful debt always puts financial and mental pressure on
Plentiful debt always puts financial and mental pressure on

Why can't you get out of debt?

Borrowing, surely all of us have had. But if you can't get out of debt, it could be due to the following reasons:

  • No clear spending plan: When you do not have a spending plan, you will easily fall into the situation of making as much as you can. You do not leave any excess money to use when problems arise as well as to repay debt.

  • Spending out of control: out-of-control spending activities, often spending large amounts of money will also cause debt repayment to stagnate.

  • Don't know how to use money to make money: do not participate in financial investment. If you do not understand the movement of money, you will not be able to increase the amount of money you have earned.

  • No sense of saving money or saving too little: when you have no sense of saving, the money you earn will quickly run out. From there, the debts will accumulate more and more and reach the point of not being able to pay.

  • Use a credit card account: Using a prepaid credit card can easily make you fall into a spending trap. Debt is forever in debt.

  • Join gambling: gambling will make us quickly fall into poverty.

  • The job does not have a stable income: precarious employment makes monthly income unstable. As a result, it is difficult to balance living expenses and spending money to pay off debt.

Indebtedness piled up what to do?

When you are in debt and you don't know what to do with your heavy debt, first you need to strengthen your morale. Mental breakdown will affect all your thoughts and activities.

After you have calmed down, you can try borrowing from friends and relatives. If the loan is too large, the property can be pledged to pay off part of the debt. Thus, the financial burden will reduce some of the pressure on your shoulders.

Do different jobs in balance with your main job to increase your income. Working hard to earn extra income will quickly get you out of debt.

If you are taking out a loan from a relative or friend or acquaintance, try negotiating an extension of the debt period. You give a certain repayment period that you think you can afford by that time. This will give the creditor more confidence in you.

If you are still stuck in the problem of debt accumulation, you can refer to 10+ ways to get rid of debt below. These are the methods that have been applied by many people and found to be effective.

Revealing 11+ ways to get out of debt, you must know

To get out of a situation of piled-up debt, you can apply or combine the methods below.

Make a list of debts

First you need to make a list of the debts you need to pay. Arrange your debts according to the time period you borrow. Because it is certain that the debts you borrow for a long time need to be paid first. If you can negotiate an extension of the repayment period with the lender, then proceed to pay the adjacent debt.

Being clear about what you owe will help you be more determined to make money to pay off your debt. You should carefully plan yourself to make repayments in the shortest time. Debt repayment can be done in two ways:

  • Pay off high-interest debt first: It is possible to significantly reduce the interest payment in the following periods, alleviating financial pressure. But this requires you to have a large amount of money to pay off these debts.

  • Pay off low-interest debt first: The amount of money to pay off these debts is less, but the burden of high-interest loans remains. However, if you can reduce any loan, you will be able to lighten that loan.

Prioritize debt repayment

When you are in debt, you should prioritize debt repayment, ignoring other unnecessary expenses. Need to determine which debt to pay first? Which payment is later? How long is the repayment period? Setting a debt repayment goal and trying to achieve it helps you put pressure on yourself, thereby creating the motivation to earn money to pay off your debt.

Try to save money

Once you know how much you need to repay, balance your monthly income. So that customers have a fixed monthly expense at the lowest level. You can remove items of clothing, skincare, fashion accessories, etc.

Financial balance to quickly pay high interest
Financial balance to quickly pay high interest

Just focus on expenses for meals, living expenses, rent, etc. Try to spend as sparingly as possible to have a balance for debt repayment.

Solve high-interest debt

For high-interest debt, you need to make the first payment. High interest rates are the cause of debt pile up and can be difficult to pay off the longer you take it. Be calm, review which debt has the highest interest rate, then focus on paying it off first.

Constantly increasing income

If you have a stable monthly income and want to pay off debt in a short time, you need to increase your income. You can apply for another job after the main job. Or choose jobs that can be done from home to take advantage of every time frame.

Find ways to reduce interest rates on loans

Finding ways to reduce interest rates on loans also needs attention. For those who have high-interest debt, it is possible to mature the debt. If you do not know how to expire, you can contact us for assistance.

Break the habit of expensive spending

Excessive spending makes paying off debt almost impossible. So you should give up the habit of expensive spending. Use products that do the same thing but have a lower fee. If possible, give up the habit of using expensive products. Instead, use the products that work best for you.

No long-term installment loans to quickly repay old debts
No long-term installment loans to quickly repay old debts

Stop borrowing

Absolutely do not borrow more debt when you start to have a repayment plan. Continuing to borrow even though it is short-term loans or in the long run, it will push you into a debt-laden situation and it will be difficult to completely resolve the debt. Therefore, find a way to pay off your debt quickly so that you don't have to take on any new debt. Those who are in the habit of using credit cards need to restrain their purchases and spending.

Reward yourself

When you've done your best and paid off a debt, big or small, reward yourself. Because you deserve to be recognized for the efforts you put in. This is a great motivation for you to keep working to earn money and pay off debt.

Be patient and don't give up

Long or short repayment period, you must not give up. You need to always be confident that you can do it. I will earn money to repay the debt, make up for the expenses I have spent before.

Make a clear financial plan to balance spending
Make a clear financial plan to balance spending

Make a reasonable spending plan

Maintain a reasonable spending plan habit and stick to it. This will shorten your repayment period. At the same time, you will also be motivated to make more money. To have a reasonable spending plan, pay attention to your income and expenses. Then arrange the expenses in descending order of importance.

The last, least important expenditures can be considered cut or even eliminated. It is necessary to try to make the difference between revenue and expenditure as large as possible. This difference will be used to repay the loan.

Financial knowledge you need to know if you want to get out of debt

Total actual outstanding balance

When taking out a loan, look at both your monthly payments and your total to get an overview of all your loans. Only then can you have a reasonable repayment plan. Please list all your loans in full (unsecured loangood mortgage overdraft loan …) to know what to do next.

Interest rates on debts

When listing loans, include the interest rate of each loan. It is up to each person to prioritize paying high-interest loans and low-interest loans. Need to know how much interest rates on loans? How is interest calculated? According to the reducing loan balance or the principal balance?

My monthly income

Please list specifically your monthly income, including salary, profit from investment, business, etc. This is the basis to help you balance your expenses properly.

Remaining amount for repayment plan

Take your total income minus monthly consumption expenses such as rent, meals, gas, etc. The rest will be used to pay off debt.

How to make money to pay off debt quickly

To be able to pay off debt quickly, and at the same time get rid of debt, you can refer to the following ways to increase revenue:

  • If you have a stable monthly income, try deducting a small amount of money to invest in the business. Business activities take up a lot of risk but also offer the opportunity to get rich quick.

  • Find another job with enough strength to do part-time, in order to increase income.

  • If you are familiar with and have the ability to identify the market, then follow real estate investment.

  • If your debt is quite high, you can refer to the direction of labor export to increase your income. This is also a form chosen by many people because labor export has quite high income.


It can be seen that debt is a situation that many people face. But in order for the debt to pile up, how to deal with it is that you have to be under great financial pressure. Stay calm and refer to the ways to get out of debt that we shared above. We hope that our sharing will help you quickly get out of your anti-substance debt situation.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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