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10 of the weirdest combinations in the animal world

Pangolin, Tatu, Platypus, Striped Deer are the result of the strangest combination in the animal world

1. Anteater + Armadillo (Tatu) = Pangolin

This mammal resembles the Tatu. They are anteaters that live in tropical Asia and Africa. Most types of pangolins live at night, using their very good sense of smell to find insects, during the day they curl up like a ball to sleep.

You are watching: What is Armadillo?

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The whole body of pangolins is covered with hard scales, leaving only the abdomen, the edges of the scales are sharp and pointed to help with defense. Scales are made of keratin like the claws, horns, and fur of other mammals. At birth, pangolin scales are soft but then harden with time. They also defend themselves by spraying foul acid solutions from glands near the anus.

2. Turtle (Turtle) + Hedgehog (Hedgehog) = Armadillo (Tatu)

Tatu live in underground burrows and sleep up to 16 hours a day. They are native to South America. The entire back of the Tatu is covered with a shell of horny substance. This layer consists of one head and two dorsal plates. Between the two layers of horns are connected by semi-circular shells that enable them to curl up or turn horizontally.

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People use an intermediate number of segments to name Tatu, such as the 7 segment, 8 segment and 9 segment. The strange thing is that its teeth are just simple bony tumors that protrude outside without enamel, so their food is soft things like ants, insects, termites, crickets ..

3.Hoop Snake + Lizard = Armadillo Girdled Lizard

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This lizard resembles a Tatu. They protect themselves by curling into a ball. It is native to South Africa and can live up to 25 years.

4. Duck(Duck) + Beaver(Beaver) = Platypus(Palralia)

It is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to eastern Australia. Along with four species of echidna, it is one of only five extant monotremes.

Reference: Nguyen Quoc Vuong-Peddler

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The distinctive feature of this species is that it lays eggs, has a duck-like beak, a beaver's tail, and an otter's feet. They surprised European naturalists when they first saw them. It is one of the few venomous mammals. Males have a spur on their hind legs that contains a poison capable of causing severe pain to humans

5. Giraffe (Giraffe) + Zebra (Zebra) = Okapi (Striped-Thigh Giraffe)

The striped giraffe (locally Okapi), also known as the African Unicorn, is a species of deer in the Giraffe family and the closest relative of the giraffe, living in the dense forests of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Congo in Africa.

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This deer has a donkey-like appearance and looks similar to a cross between a giraffe and a zebra with thighs, striped hind legs and a long neck, shy temperament. This is a rare and endangered animal.

6. Prairie dog (Squirrel) + armadillo (Ta tu) = pichiciego (Pink Tatu)

The pink tatu (Chlamyphoru truncatus) or Pichiciego is the smallest species of the genus tatu – mammals of the family Dasypodidae – best known for its hard shell.

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They are about 9 to 11.5cm long including the tail, are pink or pale pink in color and are found in central Argentina, on dry grasslands or grasslands rich in thorns and cacti. They have the ability to "Apparate" in a split second when panicking.

7. Deer + mouse = chevrotain

The water chevron is an even-toed ruminant in the Cress family. It is the largest member of the Deer family, measuring about 80 cm long and weighing about 10 kg.

The water chevrotain is found in tropical Africa, in coastal West Africa, and in the tropical forests of Central Africa. It has a stocky round body, thin legs with claws and a rat-like head. Males have powerful teeth, so it is also called "canine deer".

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The water chevron is a good swimmer and can dive underwater. Its nostrils are openings that it can squeeze closed to trap water. The water chevron has a reddish-brown plumage with white stripes and spots. Adults average 10-12 kg and grow up to 80 cm long. They are ruminants that eat mainly plants, especially fruit. They are mainly nocturnal and mostly solitary.

8. Goat (Goat) + elephant (Elephant) = Saiga antelope

The critically endangered Saiga antelope was found throughout the vast steppe regions of Eurasia from the Karpat and Caucasus Mountains to Dzungaria and Mongolia. But currently only found in Russia and Kazakhstan. The most striking feature is that they have a large head with a movable nose that looks like a small proboscis. Their strange nostrils to adapt to harsh climate conditions, make the air moist and warm before entering the lungs, helping to filter out the rock dust in the summer.

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Saiga's coat also has strange adaptations. In summer, their fur is shortened, in this season their back and neck are yellowish red, the belly is lighter in color.

During the hottest part of the day they just lie there and don't move until the sun goes down. But in winter they are active all day. In cold weather, their fur grows on its own to become thicker and longer. The plumage turns gray on the back and neck, and gray-brown under the belly. Saigas were an important source of food for the nomads of the Eurasian and Mongolian steppe regions.

9. Hamster (mouse) + Pig = Honduran white bat (White Bat)

Living mainly in Central America, unlike its friends of the same species, this Honduran white bat is mainly parasitic on the trunks and canopy of large trees, especially banana trees. They stand out with white cilia, small bodies with a length of only about 4cm.

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Honduran bats live in groups of about 6 to 10 individuals. Large bats often bite leaves to curl around small bats in the flock to protect them from rain and sun and predators. They only take off to fly when they sense an enemy is attacking.

10. Pig + squid = piglet squid

Squid is a small squid that lives more than 100 meters deep in the ocean. The squid has a round fat shape due to the habit of storing water in it. It is a rather mysterious creature, very little known among marine species. These images were recorded from the deep sea by a robotic submarine off the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa.

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Studies have shown that the head of the squid is opposite to that of the common squid, probably because of its habit of moving backwards. It swims quite slowly because in its body there are ammonium ions that help it to float to the surface. There's a certain amount of phosphorus born around its big eyes that helps it glow in the deep sea.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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