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What is SkyWay? Is it true that VTV1 warns SkyWay of fraud?

What is the most popular way to get rich quick today? It is an investment in stocks, although there are many risks, but the returns that it brings make everyone crave. In which, SkyWay is a highly profitable project. So What is SkyWay?? Is it a new piece of lucrative pie or a recent high-end trap? Let's learn about SkyWay through the article below.

What is SkyWay?

SkyWay is a corporation developing advanced transport technology in the world, funded mainly by countries, the United Nations fund, the Soviet peace fund, politicians and the people who contributed through many forms. awareness, and mainly crowdfunding.

What is SkyWay?
What is SkyWay?

This technology has been researched and developed by Russian engineer and scientist Mr. Anatoly Yunitskiy for more than 40 years. SkyWay is researched and developed with the aim of improving the global transport infrastructure network.

This is an exclusive, low-cost, high-speed smart traffic technology model that the world is aiming for in the future. According to some experts, skyway will account for 50% of the world market share in the future.

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Overview of the SkyWay project

You already have an overview of what the SkyWay project is through the above introduction. Here is some information for you to know better so that you can choose to invest or not in this project.

Products included in the Skyway project

SkyWay has 3 big ambitions including speed, speed and comfort for everyone. The level of environmental friendliness, creating a sense of safety and fun is highly appreciated in all types of vehicles. Most especially, the production and operating costs are lower than current vehicles.

There are 3 main types of transport that SkyWay is developing:

  • Expressway type: It has a speed of up to 500km/h, a capacity of more than 500,000 passengers/day and a maximum slope of 20%.
  • Urban type: The speed is 150km/h, the efficiency is less than the highway of 25,000 passengers/hour and the maximum slope achieved is 45%
  • Type of freight: In this type of speed is divided into 2 types with 150km/h (suspended) and 500km/h (mounted). Efficiency is more than 200 million tons/year and 60% is the maximum specified slope.

The attraction of the Skyway project

Applying advanced technology to develop the global transport infrastructure system, SkyWay products include the following strengths:

High level of safety:

  • SkyWay routes are not affected by climate and weather such as flooding, earthquakes and windstorms in any place.
  • Anti-derailment system increases safety when running on rails.
  • No traffic accidents and solved problems or traffic jams.
  • Automated control system by artificial intelligence AI modern unmanned.

Environmental friendliness:

  • Use solar power and renewable energy to operate.
  • The transportation system says no to emissions into the environment.
  • It does not take much construction land to move like other vehicles.

Economic efficiency

  • The cost of building the SkyWay transport system is much lower than the current means of transport.
  • Reduce the cost of fuel consumption such as gasoline, oil.
  • The position of the vehicle away from the ground should be further optimized for kinetics to improve and significantly reduce energy consumption during travel.

Fast speed and large payload:

  • SkyWay high-speed transport has a speed of up to 500 km / h - faster than many high-speed trains today.
  • SkyWay urban transport has a speed of up to 150 km / h - 2 times faster than a bus.
  • SkyWay freight transport has a speed of up to 150 km/h.
  • Skyway has a gravity engine that improves transport efficiency. Skyway's transport systems have a huge tonnage to transport from 250,000 to 500,000 passengers/day and continuously transport goods with a large volume of up to 200 million tons/year.

With many advantages like in fiction movies, but is this really a lucrative piece of cake for stock investors?

What are the forms of SkyWay investment?

When investing in a project, the form of profit is an important part to evaluate the investment possibility of that project.

Pre-IPO Profit Opportunity

Pre-IPO Profit Opportunity
Pre-IPO Profit Opportunity

IPO means “Initial Public Offering” and Pre-IPO is the initial public offering of shares. In a word, this is the number of shares that an investor can buy before the company issues shares to the market.

Although the amount of money spent to buy this Pre-IPO stock will be cheaper than the price when the company opens to sell IPO shares, it carries a big risk, is this company going to IPO? That is the fear of investors for Pre-IPO projects as well as this project.

For example: The current CP value of SkyWay is 0.025 USD/share. You contribute capital to invest 100 USD = 4,000 shares. It will have a real value if the IPO is 1 USD - 5 USD/share and will increase as the project develops. What if you don't get an IPO, you will lose everything.

Currently, SkyWay is selling investment packages as follows:

  • Special package
  • Straight pay package
  • Installment package
  • Child investment package
  • Packages for partners

Preferred rate of return on ROI

SkyWay also has another profitable form of ROI (Return On Investment) by inviting other investors to join.

The company will give you the position of the commission rank and to be able to receive more commissions you can refer more participants to invest in SkyWay. Similar to the table above, the more you refer, the more commission you will get.

Levels and related conditions when participating in the SkyWay project

In SkyWay rank is a matter that you must know well to be able to invest. Below is a list of ranks and conditions that you can refer to. “Unit” will by convention be 1$:

  • Partner – Is the rank of participating investors with less than 100 units.
  • Consultant – A rank with investment from 101 to 200 units.
  • Leader – A rank with an investment of 201 to 1,000 units.
  • Manager (Master) – Investors participate from 1001 to 5,000 units.
  • Expert – Investors participate from 5,001 to 1,000 units.
  • Top Expert – Investors participating in more than 10,000 units.

With the above ranking shows how your spending will determine your rank. To be able to set foot in the higher ranks to receive more profits, investors have to spend more money up to more than $ 10,000.

How is the commission paid by SkyWay?

MLM (multi-level marketing scale) chargeback payment is the payment plan of the trading commissions of the company and investors. So what is an MLM chargeback payment?

Commission level paid by SkyWay
Commission level paid by SkyWay

Similar to ROI, you will be paid when someone invests or is invited by your member. You will receive a proportional return on their investment in the order of the tier ranking above. As follows:

  • Level 1 – This level is reimbursement according to your individual condition.
  • Level 2 – This level is for team members and investors you directly refer.
  • Level 3 – This level is for second generation members who are referred by your group members.
  • The following levels will follow similar to level 3.

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Is the SkyWay scam information accurate?

Besides the question of what SkyWay is, the issue of whether or not SkyWay is a scam is what people are most concerned about because there are many different opinions.

Warning from FSMA (Financial Services and Markets Authority)

A warning from the FSMA (the judicial body responsible for the legislation of the financial economic services industry in the UK) is that SkyWay has a company registered in Belarus and is offering shares to investors in Belgium.

But that was not disclosed in the report approved by the FSMA. Therefore, the act of offering shares of SkyWay in Belgium was blocked by FMSA.

Like the above mentioned sections, SkyWay has a multi-level status with a characteristic pyramid image. Therefore, FMSA advised against investing in SkyWay.

Warning from VTV1 in Vietnam

VTV1 has released a lot of news to warn people about SkyWay. VTV1 reporter also went to the SkyWay office registered to operate in the UK, but this place is just a house under repair, without any activities inside.

In addition, many countries have also warned about signs of fraud by Skyway Group. As in 2017, the two central banks of Lithuania and Estonia published a statement declaring that Skyway's capital mobilization activities in these countries were illegal.

According to Vietnamese securities experts, the form of SkyWay's stock offering is very unusual and looks like a multi-level. So everyone should be careful when thinking about investing in SkyWay.

How is the Skyway project in Vietnam in practice?

Currently in Vietnam there are many seminars to entice investors to buy stocks. Shares are issued in 15 stages, in each period the share price increases many times and anyone can buy shares including children.

Skyway project in Vietnam in reality
Skyway project in Vietnam in reality

The promises are as wide as becoming a millionaire in just a few years, being able to buy shares at discounts up to several dozen times and even hundreds of times their true face value. When the IPO goes on the floor, you can receive profits up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Although SkyWay does not have a project or any legal office or headquarters in Vietnam, hundreds of investors hastily jumped in without learning about the real situation of this project.

Representatives of the State Securities Commission of Vietnam said: "According to regulations, a foreign organization that wants to offer securities to the public in our country must obtain permission from the State and Securities Commission. 7 conditions must be met. However, SkyWay Group has not met any conditions and has not been licensed.”


No piece of cake is easy to eat, so you have to be smart and discerning to be able to choose correctly. Hope this article of lamchutaichinh can help you get more useful information about SkyWay. Wish you will always be successful and please continue to follow the next articles of lamchutaichinh!

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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