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What is the fastest way to raise a child? Top 10 farming models that make money

What is the fastest way to raise a child? Surely this is a question that many people in the livestock industry are interested in. Getting rich will not be difficult, if you are willing to explore, learn, be bright and grasp the market trends, you will be successful. Understanding this problem, the following article will provide you with 10 money-making breeding models that you should know as soon as possible.

Breeding crickets, which are less efficient and highly effective

Raising crickets to get rich is also one of the top suggestions when you are wondering "What is the fastest way to raise a child". Because crickets are quite easy to raise, have few diseases, have little capital, take up little area, and the time to harvest the products is fast.

Besides, the consumer market demand is increasing. Because now, crickets are not only used to supply restaurants and eateries, but also a source of nutritious food used in chicken and ornamental fish farms.

Breeding crickets, which are less efficient and highly effective
Breeding crickets, which are less efficient and highly effective

How to raise crickets is extremely simple:

You need to prepare a box (you can use old paper cartons, old foam boxes or old brass) to place on your balcony, terrace or yard.

For a cricket cage with a volume of 80 liters, about 20 male crickets and 40 female crickets can be raised. Each such cage can harvest 2 egg trays and hatch about 2000 crickets.
Food for crickets is easy to find and is available almost everywhere such as grass, cassava vegetables, sweet vegetables, papaya leaves.

Currently, the price of finished crickets in the market ranges from 150,000 VND/kg (for crickets used as animal food) to 200,000 VND/kg (for meat crickets used for restaurants, restaurant).

Ca cuong is simple, but it makes money

The next animal that can answer the question "What is the fastest way to raise the richest" is the ca cuong. Considered an ingredient that creates endless inspiration for cuisine because Ca cuong can be processed into many delicious specialties.

Ca cuong is simple, but it makes money
Ca cuong is simple, but it makes money

In addition, the essential oil in Ca cuong also helps to stimulate, excite the spirit and improve sexual function. Therefore, Ca cuong is classified as a breeding model with high efficiency.

Ca cuong is extremely easy to raise, does not take up much space, and is less susceptible to diseases. Ca cuong can lay year-round continuously, each time is about 45 days apart, each nest will produce about 100 eggs. It takes 45 days for eggs to hatch until they are sold for breeding, and 75 days for rearing until spawning.

Currently, the price of ca cuong on the market fluctuates around 200,000 VND/kg.

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Raising termites, low capital, high profit

Raising termites is now also one of the effective models to answer the question "What is the fastest way to raise the richest". Termites are not only used in traditional medicine, but this animal also contains a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to human health.

Raising termites, low capital, high profit
Raising termites, low capital, high profit

Currently, the natural source of termites is increasingly scarce, so the farming of termites is a suitable breeding model to meet the needs of the market.

Termite snakes live and breed on the ground, surrounded by cement walls and tarps to block the sun and rain. In the snake's cage, you should put bricks or ceramics to make a shelter for the snakes and termites to work. The food of termites is usually insects such as locusts, crickets, worms, etc. or shrimps and shrimps.

With only 10 million VND for the initial investment, you can raise about 1000 termites. And after only 4 months, if you follow the process correctly and smoothly, the profit can be up to hundreds of millions of dong.

Pets (pet dogs, pet cats): Make money

Currently, more and more young people have a hobby of raising pets, so pet dog breeding is a satisfactory answer to the question "What is the fastest way to raise a child". Because for pet dog lovers, they are willing to spend several million, even tens of millions of dong to own an extremely cute and lovely dog ​​and cat.

Pets make money
Pets make money

In Vietnam, dog breeds such as Chow Chow, Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Husky, Alaska,… are very loved and sought after.

In addition to raising pets for sale, you can also combine additional services such as pet care, pet coffee... to increase your income.

French pigeon farming, a safe and effective breeding model

To answer the question "What to raise quickly to get rich", it is certainly impossible without French pigeons. Because the profit from raising French pigeons can be said to be high. French pigeon is a food with high nutritional value, good for health, often used to prepare dishes to nourish the sick, the elderly, children and pregnant women.

Breeding French pigeons
Breeding French pigeons

Each pair of French pigeons can give birth to 8 to 9 litters per year. In particular, this bird is highly adapted to the climatic conditions in Vietnam, so the survival rate is up to 94-99%.

Raising French pigeons is extremely easy, just make a cage for the birds to live in. The bird's accommodation must be clean, airy, with natural light. The food of the French pigeon is mainly corn, rice and clean water.

Currently, the price of a pair of French pigeons sold on the market is about 600,000 VND/pair, and the pigeons out are about 120,000/pair.

Raising ducks to lay eggs to get rich

If you want to answer the question "What is the fastest way to raise the richest", then the duck breeding model cannot be ignored. The first condition to be able to raise ducks to lay eggs is that you must have a large area of ​​land to dig a pond for ducks to swim in and be able to build a breeding cage. The living environment of egg-laying ducks must be cool, clean and should be completely isolated from the outside to limit the spread of disease.

Raising ducks to lay eggs to get rich
Raising ducks to lay eggs to get rich

Ducks mainly eat rice and duck bran, you should choose reputable duck bran production companies and distributors to be able to buy at the most favorable price.

Currently, the selling price of eggs ranges from 30,000 - 40,000 VND / 10 eggs depending on normal duck eggs or duck eggs. As for the sale of seed, it ranges from 6000 - 7000 VND depending on the time of year and on average, 3000 - 5000 seeds can be sold every day. So these are reasonable options that you can invest to get rich.

Raising chickens with algae to get rich

In the past, chickens with seaweed were one of the rare gifts offered to kings and lords. Compared to normal chickens, frozen chickens are sold at a high price, so the question "What is the fastest to raise the richest" will be answered by frozen chicken.

Raising chickens with algae to get rich
Raising chickens with algae to get rich

Frozen chickens have a typical hobby of running and jumping, so when building a coop, you should choose a place with a large, clean and cool land. It should be separated from the outside because chickens with algae have very weak resistance and are susceptible to disease.

Like other types of chickens, chickens often eat rice, rice, corn and all kinds of antennae. If raising large quantities, you should use industrial chicken feed. This will ensure the best health of the chicken is maintained.

Frozen chicken is currently divided into 3 types:

  • For sale for meat: price ranges from 300,000 to 400,000 VND/kg
  • To give: 9 – 10 million for chickens from 4 – 5 kg
  • For ornamental purposes: 9 – 10 million for chickens from 4 – 5 kg

Getting rich from the quail farming model
With the advantage of not requiring too much space as well as low capital costs and high profitability, it is not surprising that quail is on the short list to answer the question "What is the fastest to raise the richest".

Quail on the market today, not only sold for meat, but quail droppings are also sold to make fertilizer.

However, chrysanthemum has some disadvantages as follows:

The ideal living environment must be between 18-35 degrees Celsius. Without this stable temperature, quails will be prone to stress, affecting physiological activities and egg-laying cycle, causing reduced productivity. Quail habitat must be really quiet, otherwise quail will be agitated and somewhat affect productivity.

Breeding wild boars

Wild boar (wild boar) is a type of meat with high nutritional content, low fat and delicious taste, so it is sought after by many people. However, to buy this pig in the market is not easy. So wild boar is the perfect answer to the question "What is the fastest way to get rich".

Breeding wild boars
Breeding wild boars

The investment capital to raise wild boar is not too large, you can initially buy from 3 to 5 pairs of breeding pigs. Then multiply into herd after breeding pigs. Usually, each litter of wild boar will give birth to 8 to 12 pigs, usually 2 litters per year. Wild boars mainly eat wild vegetables in the garden, so wild boar's feed costs are also low.

Goat farming model

Answering the question "What is the fastest growing richest child" certainly cannot ignore the goat farming model. Goat meat is rich in nutrients and can process a lot of delicious dishes, often sold to restaurants, restaurant.

Goat farming model
Goat farming model

When raising goats, you should choose a large area of ​​​​land to make a barn, with more surrounding fences, so that the goats can move freely without worrying about jumping out. Goats mainly eat foods such as jackfruit leaves, acacia leaves, green grass, jute vegetables, etc., which are abundant and easy-to-find foods in nature, thus helping farmers save some of their feed costs. eat.

Currently, the price of goat meat ranges from 150,000 to 180,000 VND/Kg.

Raising precious birds to get rich

If you are a passionate player with precious birds such as peacocks, pheasants, etc., this farming model can answer the question "What is the fastest growing richest child".

Raising precious birds to get rich
Raising precious birds to get rich

Each precious bird species has different breeding habits, ways of life and breeding techniques. So having passion will play an important role in this type of business. Because when you are passionate, you will understand the behavior and way of life of birds, convenient for care, both satisfy your passion, and have more income.

The above article has partly answered the question "What is the fastest way to raise a child". Hopefully, with useful information about the above breeding models, it will help you gain more knowledge and choose for yourself a breeding model to stick with and get rich. Good luck!

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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