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What does "senile" mean? How does Senility and dementia differ?

Incorrect definitions can cause confusion and misperception

Definition of Senile

The most basic definition of old age is "relating to, exhibiting, or characteristic of old age" (Merriam-Webster). Thus, the pure usage of "old" simply refers to its age.

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However, the use of the word old is more common, but somewhat incorrect, associated with a decline in mental abilities, such as memory loss or confusion, as people age.

Other forms and contexts of Senators

Senile is often combined with other words, such as senile Alzheimer's, senile dementia, and senile plaques. Senile can also be added as a description and applied to other medical conditions, such as chronic arthritis or senile osteoporosis. The word old in these cases refers to an older age in which the condition develops and is completely unrelated to your cognitive function.

Another common form of the word is aging.

More information about the word Senile

Common usage of the word senile loosely refers to a loss of cognitive ability or the inability to think clearly. Although still used sometimes, the term has lost its popularity, in part because it has a single, disrespectful sound, as in, "The old man is the old man."

Senile has been used more commonly in the past, especially when memory loss and confusion have been thought of, by some, as a normal consequence of getting older.

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The view used is that the body and mind can both be predicted to decline together as an elderly person, and that poor mental functioning is just a normal part of aging. An individual is often described as having "senile dementia" or "senile Alzheimer's disease," meaning the disease develops at an older age.

Science now understands that memory loss, disorientation and confusion are not normal parts of aging but are symptoms of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, vascular dementia, dementia. , or dementia .

Senile is sometimes used to describe the plaques that build up in the brain as Alzheimer's disease progresses. These senile patches are often described as one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease, along with neurological disorders.

What is SDAT (Senile Dementia – Type of Alzheimer's Disease)?

SDAT is a medical diagnosis formerly used to describe symptoms of dementia that may be caused by Alzheimer's disease and has developed after the age of 65. The word "kind" was included in the diagnosis because of Alzheimer's disease. can only be definitively diagnosed after an autopsy of the brain after death, so the implication is that the presenting symptoms are consistent with those of Alzheimer's disease.

According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-V (DSM-V), SDAT is currently diagnosed by coding as a major or minor neurological disorder due to Alzheimer's disease.

How is dementia different from Senility?

While old age is a loose and somewhat inaccurate and negative reference to cognitive loss, dementia is an accepted medical term.

Dementia describes a range of brain diseases that cause a progressive decline in a person's ability to think and remember. Furthermore, this incapacity makes it increasingly difficult for people to function or take care of themselves.

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The most common causes of dementia include Alzheimer's disease followed by dementia, Lewy body disorder, and dementia, Less common causes include Huntington's disease, tertiary syphilis, HIV dementia and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Although there is no cure for dementia, its progression is often slow.

When faced with evidence of dementia, doctors will often stage them based on symptoms. Based on the findings, the stage of the condition can be classified as follows:

  • Early stage dementia diagnosed when daily life begins to be affected. It is often characterized by forgetfulness, inability to find words, getting lost, repeating things, and difficulty managing routine tasks such as finances or shopping.

  • Mid-stage dementia will affect a person's ability to function both inside and outside the home. A person will typically lose nearly all new information in the time it takes to receive it and exhibit impaired social judgment and general problem solving. Challenging behaviors often develop in mid-stage dementia.

  • Late stage dementia is the stage where a person needs assistance with all activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing, and dressing.

One word slowly

In common language, the terms senility and dementia often share the same space. But, in truth, senator may no longer have a place in the modern lexicon due to its incorrect use and negative connotations.

Instead of reinforcing the stigma of dementia through the use of the word old, let's work together to reduce those stereotypes by taking care of the terminology we use.

> Source:

> American Psychiatric Association. (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition. Arlington, Virginia: American Psychiatric Association.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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