Content |
Charges (Not include VAT) |
Minimum |
Max |
Fee type |
Account opening fee |
Usual account opening fee |
0 dong |
Fee for opening an account with a nice number |
Beautiful 3-digit account |
Beautiful 3 digit account, good luck/same |
Agree |
VND 3,000,000 |
Beautiful 4-digit account |
Beautiful 4-digit account, fortune-telling / fortune-teller / the same |
Agree |
VND 8,000,000 |
Beautiful 4-digit account repeat/forward/mirror |
Agree |
VND 5,000,000 |
Beautiful 5 digit account |
Beautiful 5 digit account, fortune-telling / fortune-teller / the same |
Agree |
15,000,000 VND |
5 digit account advance/mixed |
Agree |
VND 8,000,000 |
Beautiful 6 digit account |
The 6 digit account is beautiful, lucky and the same (digit 7, 9) |
Agree |
VND 30,000,000 |
Account with 6 beautiful digits of the god of fortune, the same (digits 0,1,2,3,4,5) |
Agree |
VND 20,000,000 |
Account 6 beautiful digits repeat, forward, mirror, triple flower, mixed, required number |
Agree |
VND 10,000,000 |
Beautiful 7 digit account |
Account with 7 beautiful digits, the same number (digit 7, 9) |
Agree |
80,000,000 VND |
Account with 7 beautiful same digits (digits 0,1,2,3,4,5) |
Agree |
VND 50,000,000 |
Account 7 digits beautiful forward/mirror/mixed/required |
Agree |
VND 30,000,000 |
Beautiful 8 digit account |
Account with 8 beautiful digits, the same (digit 7, 9) |
Agree |
350,000,000 VND |
Account with 8 beautiful digits of god of fortune / the same (digits 0,1,2,3,4,5) |
Agree |
300,000,000 VND |
Account 8 beautiful digits repeat, forward, mirror, mixed number, number on request |
Agree |
100,000,000 VND |
Beautiful 9-digit account |
Account 9 beautiful same digits (digit 7,9), Loc Phat |
Agree |
500,000,000 VND |
Account with 9 beautiful digits of the god of fortune, the same (digits 0,1,2,3,4,5) |
Agree |
400,000,000 VND |
Account 9 beautiful digits repeat, forward, mirror, double flower, mixed |
Agree |
200,000,000 VND |
Account maintenance fee |
Regular VND account (collected on a daily basis when the balance is below the specified level) |
3,000 VND/day |
Automatic |
Regular foreign currency account |
- USD (collected when the balance is below the specified level) |
5,000 VND/day |
Automatic |
– EUR (collected when the balance is below the specified level) |
6,000 VND/day |
Automatic |
– Other foreign currencies (collected monthly) |
50,000 VND/month |
Automatic |
General payment account (collected monthly) |
- Red account |
20,000 VND/month |
Automatic |
– Foreign currency account |
30,000 VND/month |
Automatic |
Nice digital account |
– Account 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 beautiful digits (below average/minimum monthly balance) |
100,000 VND/account |
- Beautiful digital account (collected monthly) |
30,000 VND/account |
Automatic |
Deposit cash into the account (applicable to customers who deposit money into their own account) |
Red account |
– At the branch keeping the account and the branch in the same province/city as the branch keeping the account |
0 dong |
– In branches other than the province/city with the branch holding the account |
0.03% |
20,000 VND |
VND 2,000,000 |
Foreign currency account |
Face value ≤ 20 currency units |
0.5% |
VND 50,000 |
Face value > 20 currency units |
Free |
Deposited in white USD with face value of 100 USD (type without 3D insurance wire) |
0.5% |
VND 50,000 |
Withdraw cash from your account |
Cash withdrawal from RED account |
– At the branch keeping the account and the branch in the same province/city as the branch keeping the account |
0 dong |
– In branches other than the province/city with the branch holding the account |
0.03% |
20,000 VND |
VND 2,000,000 Withdraw TM from dong account the new amount of cash deposited within the day |
(Free counting) |
0.03% |
20,000 VND |
VND 2,000,000 |
Cash withdrawal from foreign currency account |
– Diploma |
By fee for withdrawing TM from dong account (B040, B043) |
– In foreign currency |
0.3% |
VND 50,000 |
Temporarily lock/freeze account at KHU's request |
- Red account |
VND 50,000 |
– Foreign currency account |
100,000 VND
Account closing fee at KHU's request |
(Applicable to both VND and foreign currency accounts) |
100,000 VND |
Paid account restoration fee |
0 dong |
Income and expenditure |
Collecting in the account |
– Single collection service |
By paying TM or transferring money to the account |
– Collecting in batches |
Agree |
1,000 VND/GD |
Payment from account (including salary at the counter) |
– Collect fee from Credit account |
5,000 VND/GD |
– Fee collection from Debit account |
Agree |
1,000 VND/GD |
Overdraft service |
– Service registration fee |
200,000 VND/account |
– Change overdraft limit at CUSTOMER's request |
200,000 VND/time Automated money control service |
(centralized capital management- autosweep) |
- Register to use the service |
200,000 VND/time |
– Register/replenish your account |
200,000 VND/account |
– Change service information |
200,000 VND/time |
– Automatic money regulation (sweep) |
Agree |
10,000 VND/GD
Automated investment service |
(automatic term deposit investment) |
– Register or change services |
200,000 VND/time |
– Automatic investment fee |
0 dong |
Service of collecting, paying bills, collecting and paying other bills |
Agree |
Fee for opening general term account |
Agree |
100,000 VND/account |
Deposit cash on time deposit |
diploma |
0 dong |
In foreign currency |
By payment of payment fee to the current account (B033) |
Cash withdrawal from time deposit |
Cash withdrawal from time deposit |
– Withdraw deposit amount deposited after 03 working days |
0 dong |
– Withdraw the deposit amount within 03 working days |
0.02% |
20,000 VND |
VND 2,000,000 |
Cash withdrawal from foreign currency term deposit |
Cash withdrawal of deposit after 03 working days |
– Withdraw in dong |
With deposit withdrawal fee đ (B082) |
– Withdraw in foreign currency at the branch holding the deposit and the branch in the same province/city as the branch holding the deposit |
0 dong |
– Withdraw in foreign currency at a branch other than the province/city with the branch holding the deposit |
VND 50,000 |
Cash withdrawal from time deposit deposit amount within 03 working days |
– Withdraw in dong |
With deposit withdrawal fee đ (B083) |
– Withdraw in foreign currency |
0.3% |
VND 50,000 |
VND 2,000,000 |
Blocking account on request |
100,000 VND/time |
Fee for transferring ownership of term deposit, value of money |
Agree |
100,000 VND |
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