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Instructions on how to check MB Bank balance via SMS

For customers who often transact on MBBank's account. There will be times when you will not be able to remember all the amounts that have been transacted. That is why you will need to proceed check MB Bank balance to be able to grasp what the current balance is.

MBBank is currently a big bank in our country. This bank does a lot of support every day to look up the bank's account balance. So how can I see the remaining balance in my account? Please follow the article below.

When to check MBank account balance?

MB Bank account balance is your remaining amount after conducting any transaction. If you do not know how much is left in your account. This will greatly affect customer transactions in the future. Regular checking of the bank account balance will help you to grasp the situation of the amount in the account.

With the next transaction, you will not have to worry about whether your account has enough money to conduct the transaction or not. Another thing is when you receive money transferred from other people. You need to check your balance first to be able to determine whether your account has received money or not.

And as everyone has seen it is necessary to check your bank account regularly. Helping people control their spending. So how can you check your bank account balance? Please continue reading the article below.

Instructions on how to check MB Bank balance in detail

Currently, the customer support bank can check their bank account balance in many different ways. Here we will guide and introduce you to each way to be able to check MBBank account balance quickly and in the most detail. Please refer below.

Check MB Bank balance at transaction counters

If you are near the transaction counter of MBBank. People can go directly to the bank for assistance in looking up your bank account balance. When you go, you usually bring your ID/CCCD and then go to MBBank's transaction counter.check MB Bank balance

When you go to the bank, call the bank's death officer and ask for assistance in looking up your bank account balance. At this time, the bank staff will proceed to give you a personal information card to confirm your identity. Everyone needs to complete the information according to the form of the bank slip issued.

Once the required information has been filled in, everyone will return the form to the staff including identification documents. At this time, the bank staff will confirm whether the information you provide is correct or not. If it is correct, the bank staff will assist people to look up the account balance on the bank's system.

Look up MB Bank account balance at ATM

Checking account information at ATMs is also a way that many customers use today. To proceed, please refer to the steps below:check MB Bank balance

  • Step 1: Take your card and go to the nearest MBBank ATM to do it.

  • Step 2: At the ATM, please proceed to insert the ATM card into the tree in the direction of the arrow printed on everyone's card.

  • Step 3: Select the Vietnamese currency language, then enter the ATM card's PIN to enter the ATM's system.

  • Step 4: On the screen that appears, select "Query account information“.

  • Step 5: The ATM tree will display a message whether you want to print a bill or not. Everyone please select yes to finish the account balance lookup process.

When you click on the information lookup item, your account balance will be displayed on the screen. Printing invoices will help you capture more information on your account. And can store and take home.

Check your MB Bank balance on your phone

Currently, MBBank supports you with two online banking services, namely Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. You can conduct your bank account balance lookup at home without having to go anywhere. To proceed, you need to register for Banking service at the bank. Then refer to the following step-by-step instructions:check MB Bank balance

  • Step 1: Please proceed to log in to MBBank application or on the bank's website here.

  • Step 2: Once you have successfully logged in, on the app, please select the down arrow below the account view. If you log in on the bank's website. Once you have successfully entered your bank account balance will be displayed right at the screen.

Check MBBank account balance via SMS

Another service is also being released by MBBank to users. That is the SMS Banking service of MBBank. You can easily look up your bank account balance on this service. When registering for SMS Banking. The bank will send a notification when you make a transaction.

The notification will display everyone's remaining account balance information. What if you have deleted all the messages that the bank has sent to you? Don't worry, please compose a message according to the syntax below:


Once you have successfully sent the message, the bank will respond to your message via the registered phone number. With content about everyone's remaining bank account balance.

Look up MBBank account balance via call center

The last way that we want to introduce to you is to look up bank account balance information through the bank switchboard. In this way, you can make a phone call to MBBank's switchboard number via: 1900 54 54 26.

Call and meet MBBank's call center staff. Request to be supported by the call center to look up your bank account balance. The staff will ask you for some information about your account to confirm. Then will proceed to look up the bank account balance information for you.

Learn about MB Bank balance checking fees

There are many customers who wonder if there is a fee to check the balance of MBBank's bank account? To be able to answer this question for you. Please see details below:

  • Check balance at MBBank: Free.

  • Checking MBBank account balance via ATM: Free (If printing invoices: 400 VND / 1 time).

  • Check using Internet Banking and Mobile Banking: Free.

  • Look up via SMS Banking service: 500 VND/ 1 message.

  • Look up via MBBank's switchboard: 1,000 VND / 1 minute.


The article provides you with the fastest and most detailed way to check your MB Bank balance. Find out how much is the fee for checking balance at MBBank. If you have any questions, please leave feedback for free support and advice. Thank you everyone for reading our article.


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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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