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How to use Facebook's best feature: Targeting

There's no way around it: Data is what makes Facebook, ah Facebook. Without the data of 1.55 billion users, Facebook would be nothing from a business perspective (something that was hilariously discovered in this art project ).

What is true of Facebook as a business is also true of Facebook marketing. Targeting, or using customer data to advertise to a desired audience, is what makes Facebook such a unique and powerful advertising platform for marketers.

“I can tell you that, yes, absolutely one of the great parts about Facebook,” said Deacon Webster, CCO at digital agency Walrus. “It's not only great, it's huge. You know more about the people you're talking to than ever before [in the past]. ”

Randy Parker, founder of marketing technology company Facebook PagePart, concurs. "No question, it's a big deal," he said. “Google knows what you want, but Facebook knows who you are.”

Simply put, if you are going to boost your posts or run ads on Facebook, you should be targeted. There's really no reason not to. This feature is best run through Power Editor or your favorite third-party tool (more on this later), so you can create the audience as specific as you want.

You can target by age, gender, location, job (very useful for B2B marketing), page likes (similarly useful) etc. Every expert has their favorite limit to Your targeting and the campaign itself will largely dictate the parameters you set up. If you're marketing a CPG product, less specific targeting is necessary, while lead generation campaigns require a lot of targeting — although in both cases there are exceptions. rate.

However, there are two main tricks that apply to anyone:

Good looking object: Webster points out that modeling the audience from a closely related competitor—for example, Pepsi modeling Coke's audience—could be a winning tactic. Simply target fans of that company and you have a guaranteed large audience interested in your product.

You can also upload data about your top customers via their email, which Google has already done recently also allows marketers to do. Brad Goldberg, vice president of advertising operations at OrionCKB, recommends analyzing the top 19 “It's only extremely successful for lead generation campaigns where you may not know the exact keywords yet. what people care about, but you know who your best customers are,” he said.

Location targeting: Parker recommends using positioning parameters to their full extent, especially if you're marketing to a regional or local business.

“The big thing that a lot of people forget is that you definitely want to do at some level of geography,” he says. If you are a local business, when you run ads [without targeting], you are paying to reach people who may not even be on your continent. At least exclude them. You do not incur any costs. ”

Salesforce leveraged both of these features to promote its Dreamforce conference. For a good-looking audience, Salesforce used keynote speakers from the event, such as Arianna Huffington and As for location targeting, it limits ads to a limit of 30 – a mile radius of the Bay Area. In the end, Salesforce hit the target with 40 percent less money than predicted.

In general, you should make targeting at the heart of your Facebook strategy. Take the time to research and optimize based on previous campaigns and carefully choose the best parameters. Targeting, after all, is what separates digital advertising from traditional advertising. Without it, you're just running a billboard on a highway — except for a highway with over a billion people. (Insert jokes of Los Angeles here.)

What tool(s) should I use?

Whether you're posting and boosting or promoting using highly customized audiences and A/B testing, you'll need some sort of software tool to get the job done.

You can think of Facebook's built-in tools like a pie. On the surface, there are easy-to-use tools accessible on your brand page: the “Boost Post” option, the “Insights” tab, and the “Publishing Tools” tab, among other tools. Below that layer is the Ads Manager and below that is the aforementioned Power Editor. And if you want to add even more layers, there are plenty of out-of-the-box tools that some Facebook marketers swear by.

If you're going to just use Facebook as a publishing platform and/or just spend your money sparingly, surface-level tools can do the job. Driving direct posts provides a decent amount of information (such as forecast results and mobile previews) and includes key features like audience targeting and programming. budget. You can also promote the page yourself to get more likes (it's less important now that the organic reach is dead, but still nice to have).

User Interface Tools

The UI charts available on the Insights tab do a great job of providing key information, such as likes, reach, and engagement. It also includes my personal favorite feature: Pages to Watch. Pages to Watch allows you to add your competitors' Facebook pages to Insights and then compare your performance. This allows you to easily see how well your strategy is performing compared to the competition. (Also, here's super helpful information to have in meetings: "We're kicking Evil Rival X's ass!")

If these surface-level tools aren't enough, though, you should dig deeper into Ads Manager, which is essentially a more centralized hub of user interface tools. Our social media editor recommends switching to Power Editor if the user interface tools aren't enough.

Power Editor

Power Editor is the big company of Facebook marketing. This is where serious Facebook marketers spend most of their time. And despite its intimidating appearance, Power Editor is relatively intuitive.

Simply put, what separates Power Editor is the ability to customize. You can shape the UI using filters, tweak the metrics you need, and customize your posts and campaigns. The Power Editor is also where you can create audiences — an integral part of Facebook's targeting features — as well as where you'll perform complex A/B testing.

Overall, Power Editor runs more like a piece of software, such as Microsoft Excel, than Ads Manager or user interface tools. You will have to spend more time and effort to learn how it works, but in the end will reap bigger profits.

external tool

There are also many external tools that can supplement or even replace Power Editor. Buffer has a list Great resources (most of which are free) can help, and all my experts speak to suggest testing different tools depending on your goals. Goldberg believes they are essential to any kind of serious campaign.

“We used all of them,” he said. “We used the basic tools, the in-house Power Editor, the Ads Manager, all of them. But I think what you get with a third party platform is a better way to split your data. ”

He explains that when it comes to traditional ad campaigns with different creatives, Facebook's internal tools simply don't do enough to differentiate between the creative options. They also don't provide the kind of detailed feedback that premium advertisers like OrionCKB expect.

“You're getting more on the live data index Goldberg said. “You don't get advice anywhere, if you see strong results from an audience you should push more for that audience. If you're seeing an image that actually works well in a particular audience, [these external tools] Please help push it out for the rest of your campaign. ”

In fact, the “push” that Goldberg refers to is largely automated by Facebook itself — which makes it easy for Facebook marketers with limited or less time savvy, but no enough for agencies or campaign managers with large clients, such as OrionCKB. Here are two software tools Goldberg recommends, along with a few other particularly useful tools that marketers frequently recommend:

Nanigans : A Facebook Marketing Partner is expensive but worth it if you can afford it. It is almost entirely focused on Facebook. It also has a super weird name.

Kenshoo: Like Naningans, but basically it works on every social advertising channel. Still really expensive.

Buffer: What we use to schedule posts. A simple, widely used tool that can expand its utility depending on whether you are a one-man shop or an official reseller. Prices also scale. A Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partner that automates and optimizes your posts. Fees are based on your Facebook spend.

BuzzSumo: A social analytics tool that tracks competitors and identifies influencers. Especially useful for content-driven marketing — we use it often — and at a fair price.

Naytev : An A/B testing and optimization tool that complements Facebook's trivial testing capabilities. More useful for content than advertising and a bit expensive for large operations.

That's a lot of tools and a lot of choices, but I recommend experimenting with them all and more—many offer short-term free trials—to find the one that works for your strategy. your marketing.

Here is an excerpt from " A Marketer's Guide to Facebook . ”

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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