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How to look up MBBank account number online on App for free

Look up MBBank account number how? MBBank account number is a sequence of numbers used to conduct transactions such as money transfer, payment, transaction, etc. Each of your transactions will need MBBank's account number, then can transact. Okay. This account number will be given to you by the bank after you register to open an account at MBBank.

What if people unfortunately forget their MBBank account number? This is also a question many customers have when using it. Especially customers who are new to banking services. With today's article, will guide you how to check your MBBank account number. Please follow the article below.

Find out how many numbers are in MBBank's account number?

When opening an account at MBBank, each customer will be given a 13-digit number sequence by the bank. This sequence of numbers is called your bank account number. This 13-digit number sequence will contain information such as bank code, branch code, customer code, etc.

These 13 numbers will be used to conduct transactions on everyone's system. This is an important sequence of numbers during use, if you accidentally forget your account number. Everyone's transactions will be disrupted, affecting the quality of everyone's use.

Where is MBBank's bank account number located?

MBBank's bank account number is displayed on most of the e-banking services by the bank. Or when you make an ATM card of MBBank. The bank will issue you a card envelope, inside containing information related to everyone's account and card numbers.

Distinguish between account number and MBBank card number

Many customers often confuse the account number and the ATM card number of MBBank. Therefore, there are often mistakes in the money transfer process. Here we will tell you what is a card number and an account number. Please refer to the table below:Look up MBBank account number

Account numberAccount number is the number normally stored by the bank at the bank's Banking service. The account number includes 13 numbers used to conduct transactions such as transferring money, receiving money, making payments, etc.
Card numberMBBank's ATM card number is embossed by the bank on the bank's ATM card. MBBank's card number consists of 12 numbers. And this sequence of numbers can show the number of your card as the bank's card.

Instructions on how to look up MBBank account number

If you unfortunately forgot your MBBank account number. Don't worry too much, below we will guide you how to look up MBBank account number quickly and simply. Please have a look below.

Look up MBBank account number at the transaction counter

If everyone's location is close to the branch, transaction counter of MBBank. You can go there for support and advice from bank staff to look up your bank account number. When you go, prepare your ID/CCCD and go to the bank and then meet the bank's counselor.Look up MBBank account number

When you meet the staff, please suggest to the bank staff that you want to look up the MBBank account number. The bank staff will proceed to confirm some of the information provided by you. It will then confirm whether the information you provide is correct. If successfully confirmed, the bank will support to look up everyone's account numbers on the system.

Check MBBank account number at ATM

The ATM also supports you to look up information about your bank account number. To be able to look up MBBank account number. People follow the instructions below:Look up MBBank account number

  • Step 1: Go to the location of an ATM closest to your location. You can go to the ATMs associated with MBBank to look up.

  • Step 2: At the ATM, everyone should proceed to insert the ATM card into the tree in the direction of the arrow printed on the card.

  • Step 3: Next, choose the language and enter the PIN of the ATM card to be able to enter the tree's system.

  • Step 4: At the interface of the screen, please select the "Query account information“.

  • Step 5: The ATM tree will display a message that you want to print invoices at the tree or not. Please select yes to be able to look up account number information.

Information about MBBank's bank account number will be printed by the ATM on the invoice printing slip at the bank's tree. You can proceed to look up information about the account number on that ticket.

Look up MBBank account number via SMS

SMS service supports you to check your bank account number. If everyone has registered for SMS Banking service of MBBank. The bank will send a notification message about your transaction on the bank's system. To conduct a check, please review the messages of MBBank. There will not be information about your bank account number.Look up MBBank account number

What if the customer has deleted all of MBBank's messages? Don't worry, please compose a message with the syntax below:

MB SDTHE SOCMND send 8136/8162.

After successfully sending the message, the bank will send you a message about everyone's phone number. At that message, there will be information such as account number, account balance.

Look up MBBank account number via App

If the customer is registering and using the Banking service of MBBank. People only need to use a phone connected to the Internet to be able to look up all the information about the account. Include information about your bank account number. To proceed, please follow these instructions:Look up MBBank account number

  • Step 1: Open the MBBank app installed on your phone. Then log in your service account and password there.

  • Step 2: After you have logged in, at the interface of the screen, click the arrow below your account view.

  • Step 3: There, information about MBBank's bank account number will be displayed on the screen account.

Check MBBank account number via 24/7 call center

The last way that we want to introduce to you is to look up the account number through the MBBank switchboard. This way there is no need to connect to the Internet or register for any service at all. To proceed, please call MBBank's switchboard at: 1900 54 54 26.

Just like how you look up directly at the bank, people will need to provide some information for the switchboard to confirm. Once confirmed successfully. The long-term staff will support everyone to look up bank account number information on the system.


The above article helps people on how look up MBBank account number. If you have any questions, please leave feedback for free support and consultation from

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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