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How much is 1 Sen equal to Vietnamese Dong (VND) at today's exchange rate?

Labor export or study abroad in Japan is not a strange form in Vietnam. You are about to go to the country of the rising sun but do not know where to exchange money and how valuable it is. Then soon Banktop will update you with the exchange rate How much is 1 Sen in Vietnam Dong? latest today.

How much is 1 Sen in Vietnamese Dong (VND)
How much is 1 Sen in Vietnamese Dong (VND)?

Introducing the currency Sen

Sen is a unit of currency in Japan used to buy, sell and exchange goods. Sen is not the official currency of Japan, but the Yen is the main currency of this country. Yen has unit JPY and symbol: ¥.

Dong Sen is more commonly used in Japan, so maybe those who have never been to Japan will not know what Sen is and how much is 1 Sen in Vietnamese currency. Only people who have been living in Japan are called Sen.

Introducing the currency Sen
Introducing the currency Sen

Many people wonder why in Japan people do not use Yen but also use more Sen. Because the Yen has a very low value and is usually only used for money values ​​of hundreds, tens, and units. For thousands, people often use the unit of measurement as Sen.

According to the conversion value in Japan, we have: 1000 yen = 1 sen, 10000 yen = 1 man = 1 card. It can be seen that the value of the Japanese Sen is higher than the Yen and smaller than the Man (learn How much is 1 Man in Vietnam Dong?), Leaves.

How much is 1 Sen in Vietnamese Dong (VND)?

The exchange rate to convert 1 sen to how much Vietnamese dong will change frequently and continuously. According to the latest updated exchange rate on the evening of May 20, 2022, we have:

1 Japanese Yen =180.92 Dong, which 1000 Yen = 1 Sen.

So 1 Sen = 180,920 VND

Looking at the Japanese Sen exchange rate today, it can be seen that the Japanese Sen is trending up compared to the previous days.

Where is the prestige to change Japanese Sen into Vietnamese currency?

Currently, there are many addresses to exchange from Japanese Sen to Vietnamese currency, but it is best to choose a reputable money exchange address to avoid exchanging fake money. If you want to change Japanese Sen to Vietnamese currency, you can refer to some of the following exchange locations:

Exchange sen at the bank

Most banks in Vietnam now provide foreign currency exchange services, including Japanese Sen. However, there will be a difference between the buying and selling rates between banks. Therefore, to get the best benefits, customers should update and compare exchange rates at banks.

Below is a summary of banks in Vietnam currently providing Japanese currency exchange services and the latest updated exchange rate of 1 Japanese Yen (JPY) to Vietnamese Dong (VND):

BankBuy CashBuy TransfersCash saleTransfer Sale
Bao Viet176.48185,60
East Asia176.60180.10182.40182.40
Hong Leong178.01179.71183.12
Kien Long177.80175.50183.30
Lien Viet179.61183.11
South Asia176.39179.39183.39
Public Bank176178187187

Exchange sen at gold and silver shops

If you do not want cumbersome procedures like in a bank and want a higher exchange rate, you can go to reputable gold and silver shops to exchange Sen. Some reputable gold and silver shops that you can refer to such as: DOJI jewelry, foreign currency exchange Eximbank 59, Ha Trung....

How much does it cost to change Japanese Sen to Vietnamese Dong?

When customers want to change Japanese Sen into Vietnamese currency, there will be a foreign currency conversion fee. This fee will depend on the regulations of each currency exchange place and the amount to be exchanged. Normally, when exchanging money at a bank, the bank will support customers to change it with the lowest fee, ranging from 1-2% * of the transaction amount.

How much does it cost to change Japanese Sen to Vietnamese Dong?
How much does it cost to change Japanese Sen to Vietnamese Dong?

Note when changing Japanese Sen to Vietnamese Dong

When changing Japanese Sen to Vietnamese currency, you need to note a few things as follows:

  • Each currency exchange location will have different rates and fees, so consider carefully to choose the one with the best exchange rate.

  • Choose a reputable money changer to avoid the risk of counterfeit money and breaking the law.

  • If you want to change money at the bank, don't forget to bring the necessary identification to change money.


Here are the rates How much is 1 Sen in Vietnamese Dong? The latest male that Banktop has updated to you. At the same time, there are suggestions of reputable and safe money exchange places so that you can rest assured to exchange money. Do not forget to follow us to update more useful financial information.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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