Surveys from Edelman and Forrester show that frustrated B2B readers score low on thought leadership content and most will ignore anything they deem irrelevant. On the B2C side, Lowe's adds a new avenue for communication.
B2B thought leadership is rich – and pretty bad
Just 15% decide -manufacturers say the quality of thought leadership content is good or excellent.
It was one of the findings in New report from Edelman – the rest of the data is not good either. “The abundance of low-quality content” dilutes the value of thought leadership. And almost 40% of decision makers say there is “more content than they can manage or keep up with” during the pandemic.
More than half of decision-makers surveyed said they spend more than an hour per week reading or reviewing thought leadership content. However, they say, no more than half of the content gives them “valuable insight.”
That's not to say they don't consider B2B thought leadership essential. Research shows that 65% say thought leadership can significantly change a company's perception for the better. And 46% say it could be important in repair a company's reputation mired in controversy.
“Quality content based on new insights, showing personality and putting people at the center of the story, is more important than ever,” said Andrew Mildren, head of business marketing at Edelman UK, said and Ireland, in a press release about the survey.
WHY IT'S HOT: Poor quality content should concern all B2B-minded publishers. As volume increases and quality decreases, decision makers are likely to spend less time and attention on thought leadership content.
Of course, there is also a promising side. If you capture the attention of decision makers with relevant, high-quality content, you're more likely to stay in content circles their trust even if they click “unsubscribe” or skip the rest.
Poor quality # B2B thought leadership # content is a problem. As volume increases and quality decreases, decision makers pay less attention to it. But there is a bright side, says @CMIContent @EdelmanUK. Click to Tweet
Buyers want content; marketers worry that they can't participate
Nearly two-thirds of buyers will ignore content unrelated to their needs, industry, or role, according to a new research published by Forrester and authorized by Uberflip. That's why "extraordinary content experiences provide a competitive advantage," according to the report's authors.
However, the content always scales for account-based marketing programs remains the top content marketing challenge, research shows.
Among other results of the study: 74% of marketers say they can identify the right account, and 63% say they can attract them. But only 11% are confident that they can to rent buyer. To move forward, marketers must offer more personalized experience and engage buyers through every stage of the journey, according to the report.
“Here's why it's important to curate relevant, valuable content and deliver it in a self-directed way,” says Randy Frisch, co-founder of Uberflip: 74% of marketers say they can identify the right account. But only 11% feel trust can attract them according to @Forrester and @Uberflip research via @CMIContent. Click to Tweet
WHY IT'S HOT: That alone is low 63% say they ignore irrelevant content which seems low. But the fact that only 11% of marketers are confident they can attract buyers is worrying.
Content marketing teams should be standard practice to create relevant content . Sounds simple right? It cannot. It is important to understand what “relevant” means. It depends not only on the buyer's role but where they are in the journey and when they need (or want) that information.
To build confidence that you can attract buyers, start by starting blind. Follow data indicates whether you got the connection you wanted (even if that means realizing your content isn't connected.)
Lowe's adds media to its products for sale
is entering the retail media business with the launch of Lowe's One Roof Media Network .
Peter Christofferson of Chicago Faucet shared this news with us after learning about it from an agency partner performing a recommendation media placement. As Peter explains: “The old and prayerful strategy of putting ads in as many trade publications as possible and hoping for a response has collapsed, especially now that trade magazines don't offer a useful lead generation mechanism. ”
“Is there a better way to use our advertising dollars to reach people interested in our products directly? Has this retail media phenomenon, represented by Lowe's and others, reached the B2B realm? We know some of our distribution partners are making such efforts; there are others? These are the questions we need to answer to smartly plan for the years to come. ”
Media networks like @Lowes make @CF_Peter wonder: Is there a better way to use our advertising dollars to reach audiences interested in our products directly? Via @CMIContent Click to Tweet
Among the services Lowe's Single Roof Communications Network will deliver by 2022:
- Sponsored Home Editing Content on Lowe .'s Websites and Social Channels
- Customer research and thought leadership on future shopping behaviors, trends, etc.
- Ad placements on high-traffic Lowe sites and apps
- Social and digital extensions to help brands better reach target buyers
WHY IT'S HOT: Lowe isn't the first to do this (Walmart, Petco, Target and others have been), but the company's new content venture will serve as a reminder that these big retail brands have a talent. undervalued property – that is their customer. Collaboration with brands already have a long-standing audience that gives you access to those eyeballs – as well as credibility for those who trust the brand but may not be familiar with yours.
What corporate audience is beneficial to your business? How can you establish a win-win partnership with them and reach their integrated audience?
Cover photo by Joseph Kalinowski / Content Marketing Institute
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