Microsoft Word is not only an indispensable tool for office workers but also for students, ... Although used by many people, not everyone understands and applies all the features of this software.
To save time and get the most out of the MS Word software, you need to know the following: Word basics. In this article, Mat Bao will give you 22 word tricks not everyone knows!
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Grasp the Word basics help you achieve high efficiency at work
1. Translate text with Bing Translator
To save time translating text, you can use the Bing Translator tool instead of opening Google translate or other websites. The steps are as follows:
- Step 1: Move the mouse to the toolbar and select the Review tab, open the Language command group and click the "Translate" command.
- Step 2: Then, select “Choose Translation Language…”
- Step 3: Select the language you want to translate in the Choose Mini Translator language section and “OK”.
- Step 4: Go back to “Translate” and select the Vietnamese language in the Mini Translator section.
- Step 5: Write or copy text into word, then highlight. The “Microsoft@ Translator” dialog box will appear with the translated text content. Next, move the mouse to the position of the dialog box to read the translated text.
Translating text with Bing Translator saves you time compared to using Google translate
After you have finished translating the text, you can continue to perform some other operations, such as: Expand, Copy, Play, etc.
2. Protect your eyes from the computer screen
This is one of the Word basics that you need to know to protect your eyes while working long time with computer.
You can change the default background and text color to a blue background with white text. By going to Tools/Options, select the General tab and tick the box "Blue ground, white text" and click OK.
Change the default background color and text in word to protect eye health in front of the computer screen
3. Find synonyms
Find synonyms is a feature that helps you find words related to words in the text to avoid word repetition errors. To do this, you need to go to the menu bar, select the Tools tab and open Language.
Or after you have highlighted the word to find synonyms, you can use the keyboard shortcut: Shift + F7. If not highlighted, you can choose Insert because MS Word will default to the word you want to find on the left side of the mouse.
4. Fix space jump with accents
Vietkey, Unikey percussion will easily encounter the error of accented letters being spaced. This error occurs when you use copy and paste operations. To fix this error, go to Tools / Options, select the Edit tab and click Setting. Then, uncheck the box for Adjust sentence and word spacing automatically and click OK twice.
5. Change, customize the font
Word Art is a tool to help you rotate horizontally, vertically or stretch the text as required. Select the text to format and then press Ctrl + C, then go to the Edit menu, select Paste Special (or right-click, select Paste Special).
Next, select Picture and click OK. At this point, you will receive the text in the form of an image.
6. Calculation in word
Calculations in word are divided into 2 cases: calculations in tables and calculations on documents. Specific usage is as follows:
- Calculation in the table: Use the Table/Formula command to insert the calculated field. Then copy or change the value of the formula =SUM(LEFT) or =SUM(ABOVE). If you want Word to automatically update fields when printing, go to Tools / Options > Print > select Update fields.
Creating a calculation table in word is no longer too complicated when you master this trick
- Calculation on text: Highlight the figures with the Bookmark command in the Insert menu. Then use the formula field to calculate based on the name of the Bookmark.
7. Capitalization in word
The shortcut Shift + F3 is one of the Word basics when changing the format from lowercase to uppercase. But this key combination changes the first letter to uppercase and then lowercase to uppercase.
To save time, you should use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + A. If you want to return to the original text format, you can also use this key combination.
8. Disable the Insert key
The Insert key is used to toggle the overwrite mode in MS Word and similar word processing programs. But very few users use this function. If not needed, you should disable the Insert key, by: Go to the menu bar Tools/Macro/Record New Macro and type DoNothing, press the Keyboard button.
Then, in the Press new shortcut key section, press the Insert key and select Assign, click Close. In the main dialog box, the Stop Recording toolbar will appear, click Stop.
9. Quickly add current date or time
If you want to add the current date or time to a text document, simply point your mouse at the location you want to insert. Next, access the menu Insert>Date and Time and select an insert type in the Available Formats bar.
Add current date or time to word with just a few simple steps
Then press the OK button and finish inserting the date or time at the selected location.
10. Take a screenshot of the program and insert it into the text
With the manual method, you have to press the Print Screen (Prt sc) button on your keyboard to take a picture of the entire screen. Next, open the photo editing application and Ctrl + V and paste the screenshot into word and crop. Then, export the image to insert into word.
With Word 2013, you are supported to quickly insert the current image of an application window running on the machine into the document. Take a screenshot of the program and insert it right into the MS Word 13 document with just a few simple steps in Word basics. You just need to select the Insert tab > ScreenShot > Select a window you want to capture. Then the image you choose will be inserted right into the text.
11. Hide content in secret text
The traditional way that people often apply to hide text content is to change the text to white. However, this way is very easy to detect if the text is highlighted and the hidden position will appear abnormal white space.
The easiest way to hide the content of the text is to highlight the text and press Ctrl + D. Then, click the Hide button and the text will be hidden immediately. If you want to review this text, you need to use Ctrl + Shift + 8 to read the entire hidden content.
Pocket trick to hide content in secret text
MS Word is a very important tool for all professions, any job requires skills to use word. Therefore, it is extremely important to have basic knowledge of word and be proficient in its application. If you want to learn more tips and knowledge about information technology, don't miss the next articles of Mat Bao!
Articles and photos compiled by Mat Bao.
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