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10 mind-blowing statistics about the impact video and images have on your employees [infographic]


visual content statistics

Convince & Convert team

This is when we decided to move from text-based communication to visual communication.

We are a virtual company at Convince & Transform. A few years ago, we were immersed in text-based communication, with a seemingly endless stream of emails. While attending our annual planning retreat in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we decided we had enough. We often roll out our best ideas while basking in the sun on margarines, and our new focus is on ending text-based email madness as well. is not an exception.

We need to communicate our ideas, plans, and questions faster, better, and easier. So in 2017, we started adding visual content, including videos and animated GIFs, to our emails. New idea? We create a video. Need to explain a new initiative? We create an image quickly. Need to explain how to do something? We create an animated GIF with step-by-step instructions.

And I can tell you: IT HAS BEEN DIFFERENT IN OUR BUSINESS. Really, I can't express it enough.

We understand our ideas faster. There are fewer questions. We close new businesses more quickly. We spend less time emailing each other and following up. We waste less time on meaningless meetings and instead spend more time focusing on what matters: doing good for our customers.

Video allows us to easily see the emotions of our teammates, not to mention that this strategy has saved us considerable time and money. We wouldn't be the company we are today without visual communication.

Visual content should be a priority across your company in 2019

For 2019, I want you to also focus on using visual content in communication.

As we all know, the absolute easiest way to improve company-wide productivity is to improve your communication strategy. A great new study by software maker TechSmith (the makers of Camtasia and Snagit) found that using visual content in communication — such as short videos and still images versus just text — can unlock $167 productivity rates across the six geographies they investigated – average GDP growth is 0.52%.


A new study by @TechSmith shows that using visual content in the workplace #communication can unlock $167 in profitability. OH. Click to Tweet

shocking statistics

As part of their new report on “ The value of the image “, our friends at TechSmith created This infographic (see below) on the value of images in workplace communication. If you're not already leveraging visual content in your organization (WHY NOT?), these statistics should convince you and your boss to get started ASAP:

  1. Two thirds (67%) of employees accomplish tasks better when communicated via video or text with pictures rather than in plain text.

  2. Businesses are twice as likely to suffer increased use of plain text email over any other form of communication.

  3. On average, each employee can get 6 minutes and 43 seconds of productivity back every day – more than that 33 minutes per week and 25 hours of productivity recovery each year.

  4. More than a third (36%) of employees have devalued by poor communication throughout the company compared with a quarter (25%) of people unaffected.

  5. Nearly half (47%) of employees think that their company relies on plain text email to get in touch.

  6. 48% of employees consider Video is the most engaging form of communication 37% see Images with text are the most attractive and only 15% of employees consider plain text email the most engaging.

  7. Only a quarter (25%) of employees have received video messages in their company.

  8. Companies can recover $1,200 or more in productivity per employee per year by using more images in workplace communication.

  9. More than a third (38%) of employees believe they will interact more if the company communication is more inspiring compared to the present.

  10. Younger workers are twice as likely to use images and video to communicate in their own time ), and many possibilities want more visual communication at work .

In addition, increased productivity comes with increased visua I see content in workplace communication across all age groups.

Our experience at Convince & Convert has proven the value of using visual assets in corporate communications and now TechSmith's great new research also prove it. Check out their free, unrestricted study to discover for yourself and Promise to make visual content in your communications part of your focus in 2019, Okay?

TechSmith Image Value Report Payment Now .

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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