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Why is every social network copying Facebook's algorithm?

Of all the components of the modern web, nothing feels as futuristic — or confusing — as algorithms. They govern the way we use the Internet. Google's algorithm is an object of fascination for SEO professionals, while Facebook's algorithm has become the subject of sci-fi stories , verbose features and even Comics XKCD .

Now, two more of the world's most dominant social networks are using their own powerful algorithms.

Instagram, owned by Facebook, announced gradually transitioning to the algorithmic timeline on March 15, meaning users will no longer see images displayed in chronological order. Meanwhile, Twitter has introduced algorithmic features to its timeline in both January and February . Network users may have noticed “While You Were Away” tweets near the top of their feed in addition to optional “best tweets”.

While power users oppose the respective moves, it's not surprising that the two services are adopting the algorithms. Both Twitter and Instagram defended this change with a similar argument: There is simply so much content that most users can't keep up.

The defense makes sense. Instagram has grown significantly over the past few years, and users who spend hours sifting through their feeds can appreciate the change. Twitter is often overwhelming for new users because of the amount of tweets piling up every minute.

Many experts also argue that algorithms retain more casual users — or addicts, depending on who you talk to. On The New Inquiry, tech blogger Rob Horning arguments that algorithms make using social media more rewarding — and integral to our sense of self.

“As our parsing algorithms shape what we see and what is served to us, they transform us into a product that we can consume on our own,” he said. write. “We were delighted with how Facebook prejudiced us and felt known and recognized. And when it predicts poorly, we can take comfort when it demonstrates our incompetence, our rich complexity. . ”

Since the algorithms took effect, Facebook's continued growth has supported this theory. The service dominates the time spent entirely with the younger generation.


But beyond practical and emotional considerations, currency is perhaps the biggest reason for the change. As Facebook has demonstrated since switching to algorithm-driven News Feed in 2009, ditching chronology can do wonders for revenue. Algorithms kill brands' organic reach and eliminate their ability to increase their reach by simply posting as much as possible. In turn, it forces those brands to invest in paid distribution if they want people to see their content.

After Facebook changed its algorithm, organic reach for brands plummeted from 12 percent in 2013 to 6 percent in 2014. Since then, organic reach has declined. even more as Facebook continues to tweak its algorithm.


Facebook certainly saw an algorithm as the key to capitalizing on Instagram's massive cash-flow. eMarketer forecast that Instagram will see an explosion in ad revenue over the next few years — delivering $4.5 billion in annual profits through 2019.


For anyone who relies on Instagram's organic reach, the changes that are happening aren't all that rosy. But when you see the impact an algorithm can have, it's at least understandable.

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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