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What is Outsourcing? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Outsourcing (Outsourcing) is gradually becoming popular because of the attractive benefits it brings to businesses. So what is Outsourcing? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What are the benefits that Outsourcing brings to the development of the business?

Let's Learn all about this trend.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a form of using external resources to serve plans that internal personnel cannot professionally meet. Usually, for short-term tasks outside of expertise that do not need to build an entire team to meet, Outsourcing will be a great choice to solve the above problem.

What is Outsourcing?
What is Outsourcing?

Simply put, outsourcing is the process of using third-party service providers or individuals to handle certain business functions. In many cases, the benefit of outsourcing is not an optimization strategy but a necessity.

Eg: In certain times, there are always peak seasons when the internal human resources of the enterprise are not enough to meet. For example, during tax declaration season, work can be overwhelming in a short period of time, businesses do not need to hire a full-time or part-time employee to have to spend a lot of money and training time. New staff.

Instead, hiring an outside staff with high expertise to handle the job and then freeing up the workforce is highly effective.

Or in the case of businesses doing business in the field of construction or real estate that need to build an SEO standard marketing campaign on their website, hiring professional collaborators or agencies to do it is both highly effective and economical. be more expensive to build a team.

History of formation and development of outsourcing

Outsourcing services became a popular business strategy in the late 80s and early 90s, although it was met with mixed opinions because of its impact on the domestic and foreign job markets, but it did not. can deny the attractive benefits that it brings to the business.

Outsourcing is controversial in many countries because of the problem of reducing domestic employment and increasing competitiveness as the job market expands globally. The phenomenon of brain drain that can occur when domestic job opportunities are not enough to meet the demand for highly qualified personnel is also a painful problem that makes this service somewhat excluded.

History of formation and development of outsourcing
History of formation and development of outsourcing

On the contrary, from the perspective of advocates of outsourcing, this service will create a driving force for increasingly qualified and specialized human resources, businesses can effectively allocate resources. more effective when taking advantage of outsourcing specialized human resources.

Besides, Outsourcing helps maintain the nature of free market economy on a global scale. Although competition makes it difficult, but it is a driving force for development, businesses will have the opportunity to access high-quality human resources globally at a reasonable cost.

Reasons why businesses choose Outsourcing in business activities

Why has Outsourcing become a trend that cannot be ignored today? There are many reasons why businesses increasingly prefer Outsourcing, will give you the most popular reasons.

Focus on core business processes

This is the most important benefit of outsourcing, so we've listed it first.

It's easy to see that when you spend time focusing on a task that falls within your area of ​​expertise, it is more productive than allocating time to too many things at once. Many entrepreneurs have great talent, but sometimes they think they can do it all, which sometimes hinders the growth of the business.

Running a business is not an easy thing, and not every job is within your area of ​​expertise. Every minute you work outside of your expertise is time being used inefficiently. By outsourcing work outside of your expertise and taking the time to focus on your core business, you can more effectively focus on growing your business.

The outsourcing process is almost always cost-effective and avoids time stress.

Make the most of outside professional human resources

Outsourcing allows businesses to access highly specialized human resources around the world. Today's outsourcing companies always have a high degree of specialization, so the ability to solve problems is an issue that makes businesses feel secure when using the service.

Control cash flow and save costs

When businesses use Outsourcing services, fixed costs (training costs, full-time salary, allowances, allowances) will be converted into variable costs (outsourced service costs).

This helps businesses free up cash flow to use or invest in other core parts. This is very useful for projects that are in the early stages of implementation or are approaching a new business.

Outsourcing forms

Outsourcing forms
Outsourcing forms

Labor legalization

Enterprises recruit personnel according to demand, but the contracting or personnel management will be performed by another service company.

Labor hire

The service company will provide the right personnel according to the requirements of the business, where the personnel is directly managed by the business but still not completely separated from the management of the service company.

Service rental

This is a very popular form these days. Outsourcing service providers will build a team with high expertise in each specific field, businesses using this service will be responsible for business results, work results from the supplier side. service.

This form is favored because the expertise is promoted, leading to high work efficiency and less human resource management.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Outsourcing


Access to highly specialized human resources

Outsourced units provide services with sufficient expertise to fulfill the requirements set forth by the business. The problems that internal human resources cannot meet enough expertise to be able to complete, Outsourcing service can solve that problem quickly and most effectively.

Enterprises only need to choose an outsourced unit with the right expertise and reputation, all the documents proving their competence or human resource management are handled by the service party. The way that each side focuses on making the most of their strengths will bring high efficiency in work.

Cost savings

For a full-time employee, in addition to paying a monthly salary, the enterprise also has to pay a series of fees such as training costs, social insurance, accident insurance, health insurance, allowances or benefits. other benefits. Meanwhile, Outsourcing always has a much lower cost because it does not have to bear those extra fees.

Outsourcing companies are very competitive both in terms of expertise and price, which can sometimes lead to extremely favorable service rates that businesses should take advantage of to minimize costs.

Access to new resources

The outsourcing company continuously applies advanced technologies to enhance its services to bring satisfaction to customers. In their area of ​​expertise, they have an experienced team, along with a network of industry experts, making it easier to access and apply new technology resources.

Therefore, businesses will have the opportunity to access and use these advanced technologies without having to spend investment costs.

High working efficiency

Abundant specialized human resources along with modern technologies can solve arising problems more easily and quickly. In addition, the outsourcing company can flexibly coordinate human resources to complete the work on time.

Enterprises can preserve production capacity because they do not have much time to focus on secondary stages.



Besides the above advantages, Outsourcing still has the following limitations:

Risks in data security

When some company resources are provided to outside parties for business purposes, the possibility that information may be leaked cannot be excluded.

These workers may not be under the direct management of the enterprise, so it is relatively difficult to control internal information, confidential information from the risk of leakage or public dissemination.

Brain drain

The global job market is both an advantage and a challenge for both workers and businesses.

The fact that workers can find jobs that meet financial needs as well as higher capacity development opportunities around the world are partly influenced by the shortage of domestic workers.

Necessary requirements for successful Outsourcing

In the past, outsourcing services were mainly used when businesses were limited by the cost of building a specialized team, or hiring workers due to extra-specialty jobs.

Currently, outsourcing services are viewed from a more strategic perspective. So what are the factors that determine the success of Outsourcing? Let's find out with right here.

The first thing that businesses need to clarify is to understand their needs and the desired effect when using outsourced services. Properly assess the needs along with the benefits and risks associated with using the service before looking for a reputable service provider with the right expertise to avoid unfortunate mistakes.

Contract agreement is an equally important step, both parties must commit to their rights and obligations, and the resources to be accessed along with the implementation schedule must be clearly stated in the contract. tight.

In the implementation process, intervention and support from experienced managers is essential to be able to outsource successfully.

Some notes when outsourcing to avoid failure

Some notes when outsourcing to avoid failure
Some notes when outsourcing to avoid failure

In order for the use of Outsourcing services to become an effective investment, businesses need to note the following:

  • Clearly define outsourcing needs and goals.
  • Accurately identify the possible benefits and risks, and also draw up a contingency plan.
  • Choose a service provider with the right expertise, reputation and understanding of the strategic vision of the business.
  • Contract terms must be strictly regulated.
  • Manage relationships effectively. Managers must always be involved and throughout the duration of the contract, not only to support but also to help monitor the progress and quality of work.


Hopefully after this article can solve your questions about Outsourcing. What factors affect the success of Outsourcing? From there, providing you with a reasonable choice so that your business can solve problems outside of expertise in the most effective way.

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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