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How to Monetize Your Expertise


Whether you've used your time at home over the past year to become an expert at something or you need an extra boost to get better at something, the good news is that you really can. Make money from something you know well.

In other words, monetizing your expertise isn't just possible; it's also quite doable. Here are some easy options for you:

1. Write a book

This sounds pretty scary, but it's actually easier than you think.

First of all, you don't need to find a publisher. Today, there are many powerful self-publishing platforms.

Obviously, writing and publishing your own book is a huge undertaking, but here are the four main steps:

  1. Define your theme . Hopefully you've been creating digital content already, so what you really need to do is update it so it works like a downloadable and/or printable book.

  2. Start expanding your content . Naturally, a book is a more in-depth asset than a blog article. So it's important to update your content to make it more comprehensive and thorough.

  3. Create a book cover . Yes, you can do it yourself so there's no need to start looking for a designer.

  4. Begin Upload your book Digital product selling platform . This will take you quite a while on your first book.

Your first book doesn't have to be perfect. Unfortunately, too many writers never finish their book because there are countless ways to edit and improve it. Treat the publication of your first book as a learning opportunity. Your next book will be better (and in many ways easier) and your third book could be the perfect one.

Publishing books is also a powerful personal branding tactic. Suddenly, you'll notice that Google treats you like a brand and displays a Knowledge Graph for your name:

Google treats Rand Fishkin as a brand and shows a Knowledge Graph for his name.

Google considers Rand Fishkin a trademark and displays the Knowledge Graph to his name.

It will take a while for Google to start working on it or your name, but it will help you look like a real deal and sell your other products.

2. Become a Mentor, Coach or Coach

The global lockdowns have had an interesting result: People have learned to do everything at home, from shopping to studying and even traveling.

The demand for online learning is growing significantly which means there is a huge opportunity opening up for niche professionals who can now monetize their knowledge in a particular topic by developing online coaching and training services. line.

It's true that there are plenty of online learning opportunities out there, so it's a pretty competitive niche, but still doable. And lots of examples of successful coaching business models.

A recent example is Training program "Customers on demand" . It has grown exponentially as it distinguishes itself as an exclusive, success-driven, “high performance” community that only accepts Entrepreneurs ready to grow .

Some important takeaways from the above examples are:

  • When building your own training program, look for personal expertise and skills your own can make it really unique and useful . The best way is to start with a very narrow topic, which you know for sure that no one else does better than you. For example, instead of creating a generic SEO program, I once decided to teach people Google search the right way to find anything . Choose a very specific theme that will help you stand out.

  • Try looking back on your own journey and find out what you personally have learned over time. Coaching programs based on personal stories are the most relevant and successful.

To monetize your expertise through coaching, use Designation code , will allow your customers to book online personal training meetings with you and pay instantly. The tool also makes it easy to manage schedules and send reminders to your customers.

Appointfix allows your clients to book online personal training meetings with you and pay right away.

Appointment prefixes allow your customers to book online personal training meetings with you and pay instantly.

3. Create a video course

This option works well with the steps above: all you need is to figure out your course structure and record some online coaching meetings where you talk about how to solve a particular problem.

If you need help figuring out your video course structure, use question research to see what questions are being searched for online. This will also help the course yours found online. Text Optimizer is a fun tool to use here. It uses semantic research to help you discover common questions about a particular topic:

Use question research with TextOptimizer to find out which questions are being searched online.

Use question research to find out what questions are being searched for online.

In addition, tools such as Launch makes it easy to record yourself talking about a particular topic, including clicking through slides or sharing your screen to see instructions. This process took me a few minutes to figure out. And online video editing tools like InVideo allows you to create more entertaining videos, branded intros and even professional advertisements.

One video editing tools like InVideo enable you to create more entertaining videos and branded intros.

A video editing tool like InVideo allows you to create more entertaining videos and branded intros.

Once you have at least an hour of video content, you can start creating your course. Platforms like Udemy handle hosting, lead generation, and design.

You can't make a lot of money from Udemy (since it's extremely limited to content creators), but it's a good place to start. From there, you can start working Your self-hosted course which can be an advanced version of your course on Udemy.


As this pandemic has colorfully demonstrated, when one door closes, another opens. Maxwell Hertan's Megaphone Marketing put it , “human giant 50 % increase in Internet usage” means rapidly increasing demand for digital content and services. This could be the best time to monetize your expertise!

While multiple sources of income is eliminated in these terrifying times (think entertainment workers, traditional business owners, etc.), other opportunities will arise.

Remember, you don't have to choose a monetization method. You can use each of them to empower each other. For example, use your free Udemy course to find clients for your coaching program. You can reuse content from one method (coaching) to building another (video course).

And while it can take time to find additional sources of income, it can be done. Good luck!

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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