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4 draw points to refresh your social network

2021 Social Media Benchmark Report 4 Takeaways for Your Social Refresh

Take a look at the Team Messaging Convince & Transform and you'll find us sharing all sorts of new research and data. In fact, when Rival IQ 2021 Social Media Benchmark the report was first released, Corynn shared it with the note, “TL; DR – people need more carousels.”

You can stop reading now if that's all you need to refresh your social content plans. But for the rest of us, I have a few more ideas.

Social Media Benchmark Report is an annual study from Rival IQ, our friends in the business of social content performance data. Version 2021 evaluates thousands of brand accounts across 14 industries setting benchmarks that marketers use to measure social content performance.

2021 Rival IQ Social Media Benchmark report

Keep in mind that most of the data analyzed is from 2020/early 2021. Social media platforms are constantly changing their algorithms in response to content types, technologies, and user habits. new audience.

What is presented in any standard study should not be taken as gospel, but it enlightens how to plan for you 2022 Social media content strategy .

4 Cues For Your Social Media Strategy Refresh

1. Posting every day of the week may be “expected” but not necessary.

Creating enough content to post once a day on each channel is a common expectation among social groups. However, when social engagement rates drop or continue to stagnate, brands will respond with fewer main feed posts per channel.

Competitor IQ found that brands were posted on Facebook the most per week on average; but outside of the media brands share 53.5 posts a week (7.5 posts a day!), an average of 5.5 posts per week.

We made the exception when we discovered that brands only post content on Instagram four times a week. The API provides news feed-specific data. However, keep in mind that Instagram has 12 different ways in the channel to deliver content or connect with an audience. This data point is slightly misleading as we cannot accurately evaluate Stories, Stories, Featured Items, and Tutorials using the API.

Twitter is the channel with the most brands, almost 3x more than Instagram News Feed Posts. But Instagram is a clear social media business based on Interaction. Audiences on Instagram responded with seven times more engagement than on Twitter, on just one-third of the total content.

Quality versus quantity of articles matters most

No doubt you've heard of quality over quantity. This is especially true for B2B brands that are building content to support longer awareness and consideration timelines in the customer decision journey.

Focus on creating less social media content that echoes farther with main objects.

Appearing in every nook and cranny of social media channels; focuses on different content stores, like Stories, Stories, and Reddit threads. Better yet, explore engagement in ways that create more 1:1 micro-connections with your audience. Directly interacting with audiences in spaces like AMAs, TwitterChats, Soundrooms, and even DMs can go a long way with building audience relationships.

When everything is important, nothing stands out. So when there really is an opportunity for content that is out of the ordinary, make it shine. Increase the frequency around real -time opportunity , like events, webinars, launches, behind-the-scenes. Taking cues from Media and Sports, hyper-focused on top story or game day coverage. Media and Sports groups tweet more than all other industries combined.

When everything is important, nothing stands out. Click to Tweet

2. Combine Content Types

We've been saying “Video wins on social media” for several years. While that may be true in some cases, social benchmarking data shows that in primary news feed posts, it's in fact photos and carousels now rank higher than videos about interaction level.

The algorithm may prioritize video content when it's available, but the audience is less interested. The reality is that even today, content teams are difficult to produce on a larger scale unless it is a core part of the business (media, sports, etc.). That's why videos appear less often as post types in most industries.

What can B2B brands do without a consistent video-making process? Remember that in today's visually dominant social feeds, carousels and photos work well. Avoid posting a plain text status on Twitter or Facebook, especially when it's easy enough to GIF included images or infographics.

The number of carousel impressions that are repeated in the user's news feed if they are not engaged the first time. On subsequent impressions, the Carousel will show images two and three. You don't have to win with the first image in the Carousel. Make sure the second and third are equally appealing.

3. Identify and measure what metrics matter

Engagement rate is calculated based on all measurable interactions on a post. Social networks are diversifying how audiences choose to interact with any post on their newsfeed – Facebook alone has had up to six emotional reactions along with commenting, sharing and saving posts. Does an Angry Response carry more weight or meaning than a Laugh? How does Love compare to a Share?

ONE Better way to measure join is to determine what is the specific response the best valuable for your brand. Indicators are like toppings on pizza – each of us has our favorites, so we tend to stick with those and ignore the other options.

Measure meaningful, specific responses as a percentage of total interactions to ensure you don't lose track of fluctuations that move the needle. Inserting posts to drive more “Likes” to drive engagement numbers is easy to do – but Likes don’t pay (even for Influencers).

Take a look at your own. Social index

Competitor IQ admits a better way to measure engagement rate is by using engagement rate per post metric. The engagement rate per post is data as it controls the post number and audience size and helps marketers understand how they are doing compared to their competitors.

Unfortunately, social networking APIs continue to analyze publicly available data, so IQ competitors and others cannot do this kind of competitive reporting on a large scale. But you can do with your own native metrics reports.

4. Plan seasonal content and align hashtags with it

Hashtags are all about the holidays on Instagram and Twitter this year, signaling brands must update their content to match the seasons. Work in advance by identifying these on an annual and quarterly basis yours calendar editor And planning. Planning ahead means your team is better positioned to take advantage of seasonal content by eventually implementing all those “we should do this next year” ideas that were missed after the fact. .

Hashtags perform consistently best across all industries including: gifts, alcohol related or those related to holidays and current events. A smart note from the social media benchmark report is that hashtags are not equally used across social media channels. Use hashtags and research tools to determine the right hashtags and how many to use for each social channel. Update these monthly or quarterly for best results.

Start benchmarking and analyzing social content performance with Head to Head Social Snapshot where brands can view 1:1 performance against Rival IQ benchmarks.

Take it further by completing a social media audit that identifies insights to establish strategic decisions for next year's social media plans. I've built my own pace, Free course Social audit explanations and insights, available to guide you through using social media metrics to test and build a social media strategy.

How will you approach social media differently in 2022? Tweet me @ LaurenTTeague tell me.

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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