Currently, PWA is being widely used by many webmasters. However, many people still do not have much knowledge about PWA. Understanding this, the following article, BKNS will send you information about What is PWA?? Advantages and disadvantages of progressive web application for your reference. Let's follow up now.
1. What is a PWA?
WEIGHT (abbreviation of ) Progressive Web Apps) a type of application software made available through websites, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Progressive web application helps users to download or download quickly even when the network connection is not stable. In addition, PWA also supports sending relevant notifications, contributing to increasing the efficiency of marketing activities.
At a basic level, four requirements are required to define a PWA and are all supported by Google Chrome, Opera or Samsung Internet. Specifically:
Install Service Worker
This is an important part of modern PWAs because the Service Worker will be responsible for caching all files, server push notifications, content updates, data manipulation, etc. By listening to network requests on the server and placing them as files .js on user devices. The Service Worker will then monitor these events and return the appropriate response. From here facilitate the custom offline page.
In addition, the displayed content is also customized based on the stored cache even when the user is offline. Also you can use cache data as parameter and variable.
This also means that, while the first load takes a few seconds, subsequent times by leveraging Service Worker should be faster.
Install JSON Manifest
Providing data extract in the form of JSOn makes it possible for you to cache information with the help of a service worker in combination with a shell application to load the CSS rute. Besides, the offline version distribution has enough UI functions. Therefore, compared to websites, Progressive web applications have more advantages in terms of data visibility even without an internet connection.
Meet the secure https connection standard.
A secure connection to a PWA will make users feel more secure and ready to authorize them. In addition, the secure connection with https also easily wins the trust of users. So the number of visits increased. From here, create an SEO advantage because PWQ can be indexed by search engine and server on TLS.
Each site needs to have 2 visits and a 5-minute break to qualify
On Google Chrome, before the browser shows an offer to install a PWA, you need to visit the site hosting the PWA twice. Although not the most standard form of confirmation, it is a pretty good practice. Because it ensures that the user does not have to like the page to get a second visit. In addition, this request is considered a simple method to determine the relevance and interest of the user. use. And in particular, now Google is quite satisfied with this method. The advantages are also improved in the future.
2. Advantages and disadvantages of PWA
2.1 Disadvantages of PWA
- Not all Progressive web applications use links for page structure. Therefore, when building a PWA with unlinked tabs, the search engine cannot. From here, it is not supported to push keyword rankings to high rankings in SEO.
- Not in the app store.
- Native API access is limited.
- Limited browser support.
2.2 Advantages of PWA
- No rejections or bans from the App Stores on iOS or Android.
- Fill the gap between App and website.
- Bring convenience like using App.
- Bounce rates are better than the web.
- Feature push notifications, stimulate users to access.
- There is a home screen button.
- Good security.
- The loading speed and performance are higher than the website.
- Open the application even without an internet connection.
3. Features of PWA
Progressive web application designed to work on any web standards compliant browser. As with other cross-platform solutions, the goal is to make it easier for developers to build cross-platform apps than native apps. According to Google Developers, the characteristics of a PWA are:
- Progressive – Works for all users, regardless of browser choice, using progressive enhancement principles.
- Responsive – Fit any form factor: desktop, mobile, tablet, or non-existent form.
- Faster after first load – Once the initial load is finished, page elements and similar content do not have to be re-downloaded each time.
- Independent connection – Service agent allows use offline or on low quality networks.
- Like the app – Feels like an app to the user with app-style interactions and navigation.
- Fresh – Stay up to date due to the service staff update process.
- Safe – Served over HTTPS to avoid snooping and ensure content has not been tampered with.
- Reconnected – Ability to use push notifications to stay engaged with users.
- Can be installed – Provide home screen icons without using the App Store.
- Linkable – Can be easily shared via URL and does not require complicated settings.
4. How to build a PWA for a website
After understanding what a PWA is, its features and advantages and disadvantages, let's learn how to build a PWA for a website!
4.1 Using WordPress to build a PWA for the web
Thanks to the support of the WordPress Mobile Pack plugin, separating the PWA setup is quite easy for website administrators
After activating the Plugin, you choose the latest updated version of the Obliq theme.
After activation, the desktop website still displays the business theme, while the mobile browser displays the Obliq theme. In the WordPress Plugin start menu, you set the visibility of the PWA to only me.
Then custom load the icons and colors that appear on the user's home screen, and you simply choose a color scheme that you like.
4.2 Don't use WordPress to build a PWA for your website
- Google Codelab has an 8-step tutorial to guide developers through the basics of converting a desktop website to a PWA.
- Google's Basic Web App Checklist includes a few elements that even non-programmers can tackle: check the PWA's mobile friendliness and verify that the website is serviced. service over HTTPS
Once you've met the base requirements, there are more than 20 components to the PWA Checklist: credential management for websites that require users to login, UI/UX elements, and more. - Once done, you can test your PWA with Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools to see what works and what needs to be customized.
So the following article, BKNS sent you information about What is PWA?? Advantages and disadvantages of PWA. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below for support. Don't forget to visit the website for more useful information.
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