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Top 3 ways to fix error 508 Resource Limit Is Reached

In the process of using the network, if you see the message "508 Resource Limit Is Reached” means that you have used up the resources of hosting. In the following article, BKNS will send you how to fix error 508 Resource Limit Is Reached website so you can fix this error. Let's follow along now!

What is Resource Limit Is Reached Error?

What is Resource Limit Is Reached Error?

1. What is Resource Limit Is Reached Error?

508 Resource Limit Is Reached Occurs when the hosting account unexpectedly uses a large amount of installed resources. In which the hosting resources include the maximum allowed I / O, the amount of RAM allowed to use, % CPU and the number of processes allowed to operate at the same time.

>> Learn more:

2. What causes Resource Limit Is Reached error?

The cause of the Resource Limit Is Reached error

The cause of a heavy website may be due to the code not being optimized.

Here are 4 causes of the above 508 error:

  • Due to malware infection: In fact, especially in Vietnam, the status of the website is infected with malicious code and bad guys use it to spread spam by the php mail function.

  • Because the website is heavy Maybe it's because the code is not optimized.

  • Website traffic spikes: if your website experiences a large number of visitors coming in or going out, it can overwhelm the allocated resources.

  • Common errors with CloudLinux installation servers: CloudLinux application is built for Shared Hosting servers, this application is created to help the accounts work in a separate and independent way, to completely eliminate the possibility of local attack. At the same time, avoid 1 user using too many resources, causing other accounts to be affected. But, in the case of websites with heavy source code, using a lot of resources, you will often receive a notification. lỗi 508 Resource Limit Is Reached.

3. How to check the status of resources used for users using DirectAdmin hosting

Step 1: Login DirectAdmin account

Step 2: In the lower right corner you choose Advanced Features, then press select Resource usage

Step 3: On folder Resource Usage Overview, you choose Details

Step 4: In Timeframe You choose the time period to notify:

How to check the status of resources used for users using DirectAdmin hosting

4. How to fix error 508 Resource Limit Is Reached

4.1 How to solve the cause of malicious code infection

Users need to optimize the source code. In case the user uses an open source website such as joomla and wordpress then you should check and disable unnecessary plugins, don't use themes or plugins of unknown origin to avoid causing the situation of being infected with malicious code leading to the occupancy, larger than the allowed resources.

4.2 How to solve the cause due to heavy website

Step 1: Access cpanel, click Usage Access Statistics, choose next awstats statistics system

Step 2: To enter Days of month to see traffic hits and bandwidth. At this point, there are 2 cases:

  • Bandwidth and hits increase unexpectedly in a certain period of time, at this time users continue to go to "host top" to verify IP for bandwidth and spike high hits, and perform ip blocking action in the "tools" section. other management” then go to “block IP”

  • Hits and bandwidth increase gradually with each day of the month, in this case users should upgrade vps.

4.3 Solution due to large website traffic

You need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to cpanel, select Usage Access Statistics, choose next awstats statistics system

Step 2: To enter Robots/Spiders visitors to check the amount hits and bandwidth. If the amount bandwidth and high inhalation than the hosting package, you can self-configuration in the file robots.txt in the public_html directory as follows to reduce the number of requests:


Crawl-delay: < time between 2 Crawls in seconds >

So the article on BKNS gave you the information how to fix error 508 Resource Limit Is Reached. Hopefully through the above article you can fix this error. If you have any questions about the article as well as other issues, please leave a comment below so we can answer your questions as quickly as possible. Don't forget to visit the website for more useful information.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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