input license here

Instructions for creating an account and using OpenVPN_AS

To consult and use the service OpenVPN Access Server. BKNS has pre-installed support, you can refer to the service link here.

Step 1: Login to the login link with the account and password sent in the service registration email


Step 2: Create a VPN client account

USER MANAGEMENT ==> User Permissions ==> Nhập username ==> More setting ==> Local Password ==> Save Settings ==> Update Running Server

Step 3: Connect VPN on the client machine

1. Install on windows operating system

Go to OpenVPN Access Server Client UI.


Download the installation file on windows and run the installation

Run the installed OpenVPN software

Select the connection and enter the user password created in Step 2

The connection in the connected state is successful.

2. Install on Android OS

Visit the link to download the app: (Or search on google play store with the keyword Openvpn)

start the OpenVPN software on the phone

2.1 Enter OpenVPN's IP

2.2 Enter the Username and Password of the VPN account

2.3 Select the connection and re-enter the password to access

Check connection in status connected then success

I wish you a successful installation!


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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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