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How to fix WordPress white page error?

WordPress Your page is blank and you don't know how to fix it? The following article of BKNS will help you know the cause and how to fix it WordPress white page error. Check it out now!

How to fix WordPress white page error?

How to fix the white error of the WordPress admin page?

1. When does the WordPress white page error appear?

The whole or part of the site can be paralyzed if there is a white page error in WordPress. Some of the identified causes of this error are:

  • Memory is missing

  • Plugin is not compatible with Theme or vice versa

  • One of the poorly programmed Plugins should break the link

  • One of the Plugins crashed while changing the WordPress File

  • Web Hosting Server has a problem

  • Before fixing WordPress white page error, you need:

  • Go to WordPress Admin

  • Access Host's File Manager or by FTP Client

Web Hosting server problem is the cause of WordPress white page error

Web Hosting server problem is the cause of WordPress white page error

2. How to fix WordPress white page error?

2.1 Fix white page error in WordPress by increasing WordPress memory limit

Follow these steps in turn to fix the white error of the wordpress admin page by increasing the WordPress memory limit:

Step 1: Go to FTP Client

Step 2: Connect to FTP server

Step 3: Search files wp-config.php and folder public_html

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Step 4: Right click on the file and select View/Edit

Step 5: Find the line define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’,’64m’); and insert parameters like the following image:

Fix WordPress white page error by increasing WordPress memory limit

Fix WordPress white page error by increasing WordPress memory limit

Step 6: Save file

Step 7: Close File => FileZilla FTP Client automatically updates changes to the above File

Step 8: Check the website again

2.2 Fix WordPress white page error by disabling Plugin causing error

Fix WordPress white page error by disabling the plugin causing error

Fix WordPress with white page error by disabling the plugin causing error

Identify the Plugin causing the error by disabling all Plugins. If the problem is resolved, it means that the error is caused by the Plugin, then you just need to determine exactly which Plugin is causing the error. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Login to FTP server

Step 2: Search folder public_html

Step 3: Go to folder public_html/wp-content

Step 4: Select the Plugin folder inside

Step 5: Rename Plugin so WordPress won't upload it

Step 6: Check if the website is working properly. If it works properly, the main cause of the error is the Plugin. Identify the exact plugin causing the error by: Rename the folder to Plugin => go into that folder => rename the folder inside (check if the website works properly after each change) => confirm Identify exactly the plugin causing the error => delete and reinstall that Plugin.

2.3 Fix white WordPress admin page error by changing WordPress Theme in phpmyadmin

Fix the white error of the wordpress admin page by changing the WordPress Theme in phpmyadmin by following these steps:

Step 1: Access Control panel

Step 2: Open phpMyAdmin

Step 3: Click on wp_options

Step 4: Find value Template and Stylesheet

Step 5: Appears value Theme present

Step 6: Double click on the current Theme name and change it to twentyseventeeen

Fix WordPress white page error by changing WordPress Theme in phpmyadmin

Double click on the current Theme name and change it to twentyseventeen

Step 7: Check the website again. If the website works properly, then the error is caused by the Theme

Step 8: Reinstall Theme

2.4 Fix WordPress White Page Errors by Checking WordPress Error Logs

Step 1: Connect to FTP server using FTP Client or File Manager

Step 2: Open wp-config.php

Step 3: Find value wp_debug

Step 4: Change parameter False Fort True: define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

Fix WordPress white page errors by checking WordPress Error Logs

Fix white page errors in WordPress by checking WordPress Error Logs

Step 5: WordPress screen shows an error message so you can fix it

Above, BKNS has helped you know the cause and 4 ways to fix it WordPress white page error. Hopefully, the information provided by BKNS is useful to you. If there is another quick and effective fix, please share it with us by leaving a comment below the post. Regularly follow other useful articles of BKNS - one of the leading providers of information technology services and network solutions in Vietnam by visiting Please!

Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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