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Check the domain nameservers to see if the website is pointing correctly

Check the domain nameservers to see if the website is pointing correctly

In this article, you will know how to check the domain's IP and how to check the domain's nameservers, to see if it is pointing to the correct hosting service. You can use the WHOIS or CMD lookup tool to check if the domain's current nameservers.

Why check Domain Nameservers?

There are many reasons why you should check your domain nameservers. However, the most common situation is when you switch to a new hosting provider.

Hosting services provide nameservers. For this reason, you need to update your nameservers every time you change your website hosting.

Migrate website can cause the risk of website interruption if done incorrectly. To make sure the domain is pointing to the correct IP or using the new provider's nameserver, you need to know how to check the domain status after pointing.

How to check nameservers with the WHOIS . lookup tool

Here's how to check domain nameservers using WHOIS lookup tools.

1. Identify the website's host nameservers

First, access the hosting control panel to find the details of the nameservers. In this tutorial, we will use hPanel.

  1. Go Accounts -> Details.

  2. Go through section Nameservers and note all details about nameservers.
    nameserver of web host Hostinger

  3. If you cannot find them through hPanel, contact Hostinger customer support.

2. Use the WHOIS Lookup Tool to find the current Nameservers

There are many WHOIS lookup tools available online to help you find domain nameservers. In this guide, we'll use Hostinger's Whois as an example.

  1. Enter domain name in the search box and press Domain Check.

  2. Your domain name details will look like this:
    domain nameservers

  3. You will see a bunch of domain information, but you only need to pay attention to the name server of the domain that matches the name server of the web host.

However, you cannot use Hostinger Whois to check .vn and domains and some domains from other countries. Here is the alternative method:

  1. Import ".tld WHOIS lookup” on Google (example: .vn WHOIS lookup).

  2. From there, select the tool that can be checked. In this example we will use EuroDNS.

  3. Insert your website domain and press the . button WHOIS lookup.

  4. After completing the reCAPTCHA, you will see domain nameservers from the WHOIS search page.
    whois hostinger

3. Compare Nameservers

Next, compare the nameservers you got from your hosting provider and your WHOIS lookup tool. If they show the same details, then your domain is set up correctly for your hosting account. If that doesn't work, contact your hosting company for further help.

How to check Nameservers by command prompt?

Here we will show you how to use command promts to check nameservers on the system Windows, macOS and Linux.


To do on Windows, how to do this:

  1. Press the shutdown command Windows + R on the keyboard. Input cmd and press OK.

  2. You will now see a command prompt window where we will perform the rest of these steps.

  3. Enter the following command:
    nslookup -type = ns

  4. Here, we use one of the domains of Hostinger's demo account as an example. The same information will display:


To check your name servers with Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Press CTRL + ALT + T to open the terminal window of the Linux computer.

  2. Enter the following command:
    dig ns

  3. Your information will look like this:
    check name servers on Linux.


Is equal to macOS, here's what you need to do:

  1. Open macOS Launchpad. This can be done simply by clicking the . key F4.
    open terminal on MacOs

  2. In its search field, type in terminal and press Enter.

  3. Enter the following command:
    dig ns

  4. You can find the server names below Part Answer.
    domain nameserver results on macos

Common problems when checking Nameservers

There are some common problems when you need to check nameservers, like this:

Domain available and registrable

If the results show that the domain is not registered anywhere, make sure you have entered the correct website URL. Instead of entering the domain name, copy paste will be more accurate..

In addition, the WHOIS lookup tool you use will show old information. This is common if you enter a newly registered domain. If this is the case for you, try using a different WHOIS lookup tool.

Nameserver value not showing

This problem occurs when you check for uncommon extensions. Make sure you use the correct WHOIS lookup tool to find the relevant domain name information.


In this tutorial, you learned how to easily check nameservers using either the system control panel or the online WHOIS lookup tool. Your nameservers will work correctly if the results match the details in your hosting control panel.


Hai G. is an expert in managing and operating website services. He has many years of experience in VPS, Hosting, technical SEO, CMS. Especially love WordPress and have been using it for over 5 years now. His hobbies are reading, blogging, traveling and mentoring young people to start a business.

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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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