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Admin interface and features on DirectAdmin

In this article, BKNS will introduce you to the functions in the admin mode of DirectAdmin version 1.62.4

Step 1: Login to Directadmin

After registering for hosting, you will receive an email with full information about the link to access the directadmin management page including: username and password to access. If your domain name has been pointed to the server hosting address, you can also use the following link to login to the admin page: http://IPcuaban:2222/

Step 2: Explore the Directadmin interface

The interface of Direct Admin is divided into 9 clear sections with the following functions:

Area 1: This is the place to briefly display the users of the user

Area 2: This is the place to display the shortcuts of functions, last login information, notifications, create a reseller account, support

Area 3: This is where the server's parameters and status are displayed

Area 4: this is the account administration, admin can add, edit, delete, move user, reseller, packages, admin accounts

Area 5: Here you can administer server services such as apache, PHP, SSH, etc.

Area 6: Contains tools to support admins such as backup, restore, progress monitoring, mail management, notifications, etc.

Area 7: This section contains system information, files

Area 8: This contains extensive features such as phpMyadmin, extension tools, firewall, ..

Area 9: Contains features like update, support and ticket handling

Hope this article is useful to you

Thinh – BKNS

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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