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Instructions for using vnedu connect to look up learning scores for your children

look up vnedu

During the stay-at-home period due to the epidemic, all students have returned to school through online learning. Thanks to applications that support online learning, students are gradually getting used to a new form of learning. Especially the process of viewing scores is also easier. Here is a guide to help parents login vnEdu Connect use Look up your child’s score on vnEdu.

About vnEdu Connect

VnEdu Connect is a support application for parents and students to quickly look up score information online. You can consider Vnedu as an electronic contact book to help check your child’s timetable and attendance information during the learning process.

Some outstanding features on vnEdu Connect application:

  • View student learning results
  • Update the latest school announcements
  • Check timetable, attendance of students
  • Texting through schools and teachers
  • Apply for leave online.

About vnEdu Connect

Instructions to look up vnEdu Connect by computer

Currently, vnEdu Connect has developed its own website to help parents easily look up their children’s academic scores. Doing look up vnEdu Connect as follows in turn:

  • Step 1: Access the link: and select the parent section. Here is a section to help parents look up their child’s information.

Instructions to look up vnEdu Connect by computer

  • Step 2: Parents choose next to the province and enter the phone number or student code, then click Filter to look up more information.

Instructions to look up vnEdu Connect by computer

  • Step 3: Then the parent selects the full name of the student you want to look up information.
  • Step 4: Parents enter the password and then click confirm to complete the service registration. Finally, the screen will appear information about your child’s average score, academic performance and behavior.

Click confirm to complete the registration

Instructions to look up vnEdu Connect by phone

If parents only use the phone or want to be more convenient in the process of checking information, please use the application on the phone to log in to vnEdu Connect and look up the child’s score.

  • Step 1: Open the vnEdu application and log in through your phone number. Then, wait for a few seconds to enter the OTP code and then select Continue.
  • Step 2: On the screen of the main interface, parents select the section Learning results.
  • Step 3: Next, parents select their child’s name to conduct information search. Then, a screen will show the full details of the test scores: oral test, 15 minutes, 1 period and semester exam. Parents can take screenshots to save in case the network connection is lost.

information lookup

How to recover vnEdu Connect password for students

If parents, students forget their vnEdu password and want to reset the password, they can use one of the following two ways:

  • Step 1: Open the vnEdu application on your phone, enter your phone number or student account and click the Sign in via OTP button. The message syntax will be displayed for you to proceed to send and get the code.
  • Step 2: Using your phone number to register a vnEdu account, compose a message according to the syntax in the notification application to receive the authentication code. Compose according to the syntax: VNEDU XN [Mã số trên ứng dụng] send 8099.
  • Step 3: Return to the application and enter the OTP activation code just received.
  • Step 4: Enter the new password and press the Continue button to complete the password change step.

Here is a summary of information about the user manual look up vnEdu for parents to keep track of all student scores. Using the application will be more convenient and help parents check whenever they want. Wish parents and students success in the learning process, don’t forget to leave a comment if you find this article useful.

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Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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