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Complete keyword research guide for Newbie

Hi everyone, in the previous article, I defined the concept of how SEO is right, and to become a quality SEOer, we need to equip what. Next, I send to you the article “Complete guide” in terms of what can be said to be extremely, extremely important in what your SEO job is “Keyword research”.
When making websites selling products or forms Make money online, such as affiliate marketing or Youtube website, many of you often skip keyword research when performing SEO campaigns, but you should know This is the stage that greatly affects the success or failure.
Initially I intended at each important stage as Keyword research, SEO On-page, SEO Off-page I will break it down into small parts so that my students can learn it gradually, but thinking about it, I decided to invest in each part of a writing project. Complete guide with integrated content Full knowledge of that array so you can look it up whenever you need to consult without having to search each individual article.
I will go through the most basic parts, you will practice in parallel for your Keyword Research while reading the article. My guide to be able to understand the root always offline. Because the content will be quite thick, if you do not understand anything Leave your comments below and I’ll discuss them with you 😉

Keyword research guide for newbie from a-z

1. Google’s working mechanism

Before going into details about Keyword and Keyword Research, I want to talk briefly about Working mechanism of Google so that you can imagine how your Website is indexed by Google and appear in search results.

Search engine of Google Bot
This is Matt Cutts video explaining the operation of Search Engine.
I will summarize the working mechanism of Google Search Engine as follows:
First, there is the fact that Google’s search engine is not human. So there will be a difference between the evaluation and comment content of a website between real people and search engines. The Search Engine is made and works on algorithms, which search the query-oriented content.
Although this search engine is constantly updated by Google, it is still not smart enough to feel the beauty of a design, appreciate the sound or perceive the movements in certain videos.
So when the search engine crawls, it will only look at the specific text in HTML format to understand what this website is about.
Search engines have 3 main parts as I have shown in the image above for you to follow easily.
(1) Data collection department (Crawl) : Or you may hear other names that SEOs often call Google Spider, Google Bot, Search Bugs, Search Spiders …
This is the process by which this bug travels from page to page to discover the content and links present on your website, which tries to find new sites and add updates to the Google index. .
This can be seen as the step Google Bot searches, updates new data, new websites and rearranges, changes existing websites or removes non-existing links.
(2) Indexing department (Index) : This is the process of building databases, keywords, websites and pages related to a specific field.
(3) Rank (Processing – Calculating – Ranking): This is Google’s calculation stage to provide search results to searchers. According to statistics, there are more than 200 factors used to rank websites.
However, you do not have to worry, if you have read through the Google mission that you mentioned in the previous article, you will know, Google always prioritizes websites with quality content and good links. Pointing to the website.
At this point, you have a very clear understanding of how your website is indexed and ranked by Google, then we are extremely important.
As you can see, getting users to the right site for you is a must choose the right Keywords that searchers will enter into the Search bar is the first job to do well if you want SEO results.

2. What are keywords?

A keyword is a word or phrase that defines a specific topic, concept, or object. When users need to search for a certain product / service, they need to enter in the toolbar some words or phrases related to that product / service to be returned to the list in order of ranking the pages. web related to that service / product.
For SEOs, Keywords are the words and phrases that you want to rank in search engines. If you are a high-end Parisian men’s perfume business, your keyword could be “south Parisian perfume” or “high-end Paris male perfume”.
The keywords that you do SEO, will be the phrases you want, you think people will enter the search box and then the results appear on your website, people will click on and visit your Web site. do.

3. Keyword types and types


Keywords include 3 categories: Brand keywords, Information keywords and Converting behavioral keywords.


Keyword yes 2 type is : “Long Tail” and “Fat Head”
Long Tail These are long, strategically chosen keywords that are short, low-cost, and short-term
Fat Head These are short keywords, high search, high / very competitive, long term strategic, high cost, long time.
And Long Tail Keyword is not always Long Tail Keyword, over a period of 6 months – 12 months it will gradually become a short keyword Fat Head.
Now we will find out, between the two types of keywords Long Tail and Fat Head, then What type of keywords are more effective for SEO, have higher conversion rates In other words, as a user, you type in the Google search box what type of keyword when you want to buy a product / service.
Let’s take a look at the two statistical charts below of – the world’s leading SEO company now to find the answer.
Chart 1
Chart 2
From the 2 statistical charts above, it is easy to see Long Tail Keyword is a highly converting keyword, representing the search needs of users.
This is also very easy to understand, I take for example, recently the weather in Saigon is cold, you need to find a jacket to give a bear, it is impossible that you can go to Google and Search with Fat Head Keyword asjacket“At least, at least”women jacket“, And following the trend further you will search”Korean female coats“Or”Korean female coats for felt fabric".
That’s it. SEO is Marketing with digital marketing channels, how your daily behavior is the same for your customers / users. From that point on, thinking about doing SEO will be fine.

4. Importance of Keyword Research in SEO

Keyword research in SEO
As I mentioned above, keywords are words / phrases used to optimize the content of a website, so that users can find and directly access the website through search queries. when typing in the Google Search bar.
Keyword research is an extremely important stage when doing SEO, because if you choose the wrong keywords, targeting SEO for the wrong keywords will lead to wasting effort, time and money for SEO campaigns just because you do not Get a good ranking position in the field you really want.
If you conduct keyword research carefully, choose the right and appropriate keywords, it will increase your chances of ranking well on Google search results.
With the correct keyword for the right product / service, you will increase the daily traffic to the Website significantly, more importantly, all customers who reach the right target audience. that you aim for.
Now you understand why in the previous article, when introducing to you the concept of SEO and What are the important notes for quality SEO, I put the job “Researching products "and" Researching usage words "to the top yet?
Only understanding the product and understanding the user can you filter out the reasonable and quality keywords for your SEO campaign. There are many ways to choose good Keywords, including by thinking and using support tools, I will talk in detail in the following article on how to Keyword Research Guide.

5. Conversion rate of Keywords (CRO – Conversion Rate Optimization)

The graph above clearly shows that the conversion rate of Keywords with an average of 4 words length is the highest. Usually with The keyword is Vietnamese, the length of 5-10 words has a high conversion rate.
You do not feel too difficult at this stage of keyword selection, I have said very carefully from the beginning, more than that, you understand your Product / Service and Audience or not.
I will give you one Detailed keyword research process from A-Zcombine your own mindset and knowledge and use powerful tools to select keywords that meet the criteria: low competition, stable search volume, high conversion rate .

6. Keyword Research Process from A-Z to Newbie

The process of my keyword research detailed, it will be long but I want to summarize it first 4 steps for you to imagine as follows:
  • Step 1: Find out information about Products / Services you need to do SEO based on your experience, knowledge, consult with customers / friends / relatives.
  • Step 2: Research competitors in the same field, the same Products / Services to find the Keywords that have been doing SEO.
  • Step 3: Use the support tools to research the query traffic, potential and challenges of each Keywords.
  • Step 4: Summarize all the Keywords found to form each Keywords group, then build the next SEO plan.
Now I will go into specific steps you should do what tasks to perform each stage most easily. I present very detailed, you just need to read hard and ponder 1-2 times will be all clear okay 😉, have any questions when reading your article, feel free to leave a comment below me will reply as soon as possible.
Step 1: I also called the Keyword Research step without using support tools. In this step you will:
– Consult customers / friends / relatives. Based on your own experience of understanding the field you need SEO to produce suitable Keywords.
– Divide search keywords that you can think of for specific purposes such as:
+ Purpose of information inquiry
+ Purpose of increasing visits.
+ Commercial purpose, purchase and sale.
– Based on the Products / Services that you or the company you do SEO for are providing. Because often the Products / Services that the company is trading are the Keywords that customers are looking for information related to your Products / Services.
Step 2,3: I call this the Keyword Research stage with Combining Support Tools to increase accuracy and practical efficiency.
– You use the following tools:
+ Google Suggest (aka Google Search Box ): did you notice when you just entered 1-2 keywords, the Google search box will display a list of long keyword suggestions, these are the keywords that people often search for object you need. You can collect ideas from these suggestions.
+ Google Keyword Planner – A free tool from Google to serve advertisers to see which keywords in the field they choose are searched on Google and how competitive. Or another extremely powerful tool with a completely similar feature that the interface is easier to use
With the first Google Keyword Planner you need to go Google Adword To register an account, when registering an account, Google requires you to enter VISA to go to the next step, but please follow the following video of Mr. Lee Nam (VietMOZ) to skip this VISA import step (You can get VISA in and out as well):
Once registered, go to Google Adword, select the item Tool and click on the tool Keyword Planner
Then click on "Search for new keywords … category"
Here you will notice 2 items:
+ Your product or service: Enter a few keywords that you came up with earlier.
+ Targeting: to localize target audience, language.
Then press Get Ideas and you will be returned to 1 result table. Here you will have a long list of keywords related to your field that users search on Google.
  • Avg Monthy Searches column: The average number of searches per month for a given keyword
  • Column Competition: Adwords advertising competition, do SEO you do not need to care.
Here with the way to combine the support tools as mentioned, you will have a lot of keywords to add to the original keyword list obtained without using the tool, plus get the main statistics. for search volume and page edge. You do not want short keywords with high search volume, will be very competitive on google.
Step 4 : Here you are only classification, selection long keywords on the initial division goals listed in step 1 to form a Keywords group, prioritize keywords according to Business goals and proceed with SEO plans only.
see more : Detailed instructions on how to use Google Keyword Planner to find potential keywords

7. Simple and effective KEY WORDS selection support

With this formula, your selection of Keywords will ensure the following basic elements:
  • Keywords will be long keywords.
  • Has a high conversion rate.
  • Applying thinking, Marketing ability to understand customers to Brainstorm without using tools.
  • Keyword – The main keyword for the product / service that needs SEO.
  • Brand – Brand of product / service.
  • Adjective – Properties
  • Target Audience – Audience
  • Local – Location
The formula is very simple, its advantage is to help you maximize your keyword brainstorming ability with your own knowledge and knowledge of the type of product / service you are doing SEO. It won’t limit you to a single standard, all you need to do is list out every column of words you can think of. For example: I do SEO for a website that sells perfume. I will list out what I think is as follows:
  • Keyword: perfume
  • Brand: Channel / Hugo Boss / Sexy 212 / …
  • Adjective: High Quality / Genuine / Brand Name / Seductive / Strong / Masculine / Feminine /….
  • Target Audience: for men / women / for men / …
  • Local: HCM / Hanoi / District 1 / District 3 /…
After that, you only need to do a combination operation manually and you will easily have a long list of keywords with high conversion rates for your product, based on the priority for the SEO campaign you will decide. SEO should start to do keywords. For example, I am in need of a promotion for my perfume page, I will SEO keyword: "Channel genuine perfume HCM “.
I am never a follower of a stereotypical formula or formula. So with this formula, it’s just a complete root for you to think of keywords before using the tool. You should Flexible use, not restrictive on the order of criteria and not necessarily all those items.
I will have an article about the process of building your SEO plan when receiving a project, so that you have the right decisions for the priority level and appropriate keyword types.
The beauty of doing SEO is that you are marketing on a website platform, you also need to have the same thinking as the actual Traditional Marketer. Just answer the following questions:
  • Who will find your website? (Age, Income, Gender, Geography, Interests …)
  • What do they need and what do we bring them?
Put yourself in the shoes of your customers, you’ll get the answer.
see more : SEO Keyword Research process 90 minutes

8. Assess the difficulty of the keyword

I went through Basic Keyword Research process, How to find keywords to do SEO by tools and by personal thinking. Next here will be the final step in the Keyword Research stage “Assessing difficulty of keywords” need SEO.
This step will give you an answer and help you give the right look for the keyword you choose is feasible, does it bring conversion value and if you are an SEO Leader or a freelancer doing SEO, you will wish The amount of difficulty with this, this level of competition, how long after the keyword will become TOP.
In this section, we will need to use a little free tool from Google to help with keyword evaluation through Search Volume statistics. Google Keyword Planner, how to use this tool and account registration operation described above you can review.
To evaluate the difficulty of a keyword, I will be interested 4 Aspects are as follows:
1. Conversion rate of keywords.
We will evaluate the difficulty of the keyword through its conversion rate. The conversion rate of the keyword I explained in the previous article, if you have not mastered please read it again. Each keyword searched in the search box has a different purpose. Here I want to add a bit of keyword knowledge to you.
– You need to care about a concept called “Intention of visitors” (Traffic Intent) , with Traffic Intent I will divide into 2 categories: Be proactive (There are specific plans related to the purchase) and Passive (No plans to buy, most just refer to information).
– This is very important to understand the intent of visitors to your website. The fact that not many visitors at the first visit to the website will be ready to make a purchase. No need to be a behavioral analyst, you can easily analyze their intentions via search queries.
– As follows :
I will list out the types Keyword comes with the main keyword in user search queries with both Active and Passive cases so you can analyze your customers.
I list bilingual Vietnamese – English, okay, guys do MMO The same applies to Niche Site or Authority Site, you will know how users often search.
I took the example of group 2 keywords “Digital Marketing” and “learn Digital Marketing“, You can imagine if you go to Google and search with the word”Digital Marketing", Maybe you are trying to find out what Digital Marketing is, reading knowledge about it but not having specific behavior.
Conversely, if you search with the keyword “learn Digital Marketing” then obviously, you are looking for a place to learn Digital Marketing, this keyword tends to behavior and purpose much more specific. And so, it has a higher conversion rate than the keyword “Digital Marketing”.
From the perspective, the experience of many SEO experts, long keywords often have higher conversion rates and are also easier to SEO because it is less competitive.
The short keyword “Fat Head” has lower conversion rates despite the extremely high search volume because it is so competitive.
However, SEO trends in 2016 and the coming time, with Google’s continuous algorithm update especially Google Hummingbird Algorithm is whether Long-tail Keyword is still hegemony or another type of keyword we need to care about and focus on exploiting it is Medium-tail Keyword, we will learn together Advanced SEO Knowledge Series.
2. Assess the difficulty of the keyword through Search Volume (Search volume of users)
I used 2 more keywords in the above example as “Digital Marketing"And "Learn Digital Marketing"To reference search traffic statistics by Google Keyword Planner, how to use is very easy, please review it in the previous article. The following results :
As you can see, the search for the word “digital marketing“Very tall, many times higher than the word”learn digital marketing". Such high search volume also means that the keyword is extremely competitive and the difficulty is also much higher.
Usually short keywords will have higher search volume and many times higher than long keywords. However there are some cases where the result will be opposite. Take for example with the keywords “travel” and “travel Phu Quoc”, you see the picture below:
The keyword “Phu Quoc tourism” is longer but has a higher search volume. For this case, we will need incorporating keyword Conversion Rate criteria for further evaluation. And in this case, the keyword “Phu Quoc tourism” has a higher search volume but is longer and the conversion rate is also better than the word “travel”, so this keyword will have a lower difficulty level. compared to “Travel”.
3. Research the keywords of the competitors who are SEO that keywords.
There is a saying “Knowing who knows us, winning a hundred battles”, is not wrong. In SEO we need to pay more attention to this field, it is extremely important to have Analyze the opponent, analyze here to know what they are doing, which keywords are SEO, how competitive they are so that the strategy is suitable for their SEO. Not to mention playing dirty opponent 😆.
Very simple, you Go to Google and search for keywords that need SEO. SERPs will return a list of top ranking websites with that keyword. From here you will assess the difficulty of the keyword. I tried searching with the keyword “zenfone 5“.
As you can see, your top competitors are very strong sites like: thegioididong, fptshop, vienthonga, … With a case like this, your efforts to SEO a long keyword, low search volume, not high conversion rate will also be quite difficult for SEO to top.
You need to reassess the true source, time and feasibility of building such a strong system that is feasible or not.
4. Review your current website.
This is not very related to the keyword but it affects quite a lot for you SEO for your keywords to the top. When accepting an SEO project, you need to research the website that will SEO. If it’s a good site, then SEO will be a lot harder.
But if it’s a website: poor content, poor quality content, often copying articles, not updating content … then you need to point it out a clear plan site improvement step by step, what to invest, how long it will take, how much budget will be enough, and where your goals will be viable.
By Keyword research formula as simple as 4 criteria to evaluate the difficulty of the keyword, I believe you will know how to evaluate the potential as well as challenges for the keywords you want SEO.
With each of my articles, I want to give you a complete SEO Process, so you can take on any SEO project yourself, know how to plan your SEO campaign.
As I have said many times, to do SEO we need the flexibility, combination of factors-criteria and personal senses to make the right decision for SEO keywords. In addition, it is necessary to constantly learn and exchange social knowledge, diversify various fields of industry to be a good SEOer, good knowledge and good Content builder.
The main content in this article is enough to provide you with a professional platform for Keyword Research in SEO. There is still a lot of advanced knowledge about Keyword research I will invest to write Advanced SEO series, when learning new you just need to grasp the above is enough, avoid the situation of “overload” very vague very dangerous.
Knowledge is never enough, you need to try to find more. Each of my articles will be updated over time, as soon as I learn a new knowledge and test through it, I will update it for you.
Hopefully the blog post is useful for your SEO learning journey. Wish you good SEO.
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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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