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Freelance jobs 2020

If you're a freelancer looking for freelance jobs or part-time jobs, you're probably tired. We will help you a part in the article, listing the best sites in this code.

What is Freelance Website?

The Freelance website is a platform for both job seekers and job posting companies.
Being a freelancer is the best way to turn your talents or interests into money. You are free to apply for any project you feel you can afford.
In short, using these websites will make it easier for you to find a suitable part-time job. They help you quickly find your first job and build trust with employers.
You can also continually improve your skills by participating in different projects from different employers. And finally, the portfolio of projects you own will grow and more employers will pay attention to you.

18 More Jobs Website To Find Freelance Jobs

1. Upwork

Upwork supports your freelance start-up tool - team workspaces, invoicing, and a clear hiring process. You will have the opportunity to work with many famous customers such as Microsoft , Airbnb , Dropbox , yes yes.
Anyone looking for job flexibility should definitely check out this job search website.

2. Fiverr

fiverr part-time jobs
Freelancers can present their projects online so that customers can easily choose who has the skills that best match their needs. This is a method for customers not to contact one by one.
What's more, Fiverr supports free online courses to develop your skills and teach you how to negotiate with customers.

3. Toptal

part-time jobs on toptal
Toptal is a part-time job website promising businesses that they only recruit the top 3% of freelancers. Of course, you could be one of them.

4. Simply Hired

One of the best things about Simply Hired is that you can find freelancer jobs near your location. Moreover, Simply Hired has a list of top paid employment groups and tools for cost estimation. This is an effective tool to control the specific tasks you want to do.
You can also create a resume from this website and learn many things from blogs their

5. PeoplePerHour

people per hourThis freelance website has more than 1.5 million freelancer users currently using the service. Every part-time employee will have a point evaluation, the best way to advertise himself.
People Per Hour is free for freelancers, but many compete. You always need to improve your skills and set a reasonable cost to get a job.

6. Aquent

Aquent won many awards for freelancing companies. Freelance website is operating smoothly and is known as a place to provide quality employees in creative, digital and marketing.
Although Aquent noted that they only accept those who have more than 2 years of experience, but those who have just graduated can still participate. If you are not sure how your skills are, then follow their salary instructions, they will set the price for you.

7. Crowded

website freelancer
Crowded speeds up hiring with AI technology, so you can find the most suitable candidate for the company. This ferelance website will rank people based on price, experience and skills.
This feature is also useful for job seekers so that they do not have to manually apply for jobs. Just let the AI ​​algorithm do this job for everyone and wait for the call from the employer.

8. The Creative Group

the creative group
Freelance website makes it easier for freelancers to find work, and find the job they want. TCG, help you upload your resume and resume, or upload your LinkdedIn account and help you find a job.
When the opportunity suits you best, you can apply for the job.

9. 99Designs

This freelance website focuses on design work - from creating logos to book covers. It also allows customers to create a contest so anyone in 99Design can participate.
For no-charge, you will have a platform to present your product portfolio and expand your design skills with constantly updated materials.

10. Nexxt

nexxt part-time jobs
Nexxt categorizes work based on four factors: career focus, local focus, diversity focus, and global focus. The 3rd one is suitable for everyone.
By this classification, this freelance website helps you to try different jobs for you to guide your career to success.

11. Writer Access

Post jobs
If you want to develop your career from freelance writing. Access Writer is the best platform for getting a job. It has all sorts of writing-related jobs: writing online articles, writing case studies, tech newspapers, yes.
Freelance website also has many tools such as content analytics, keyword optimization, and content planner to help you work more effectively.

12. TaskRabbit

taskrabbit part-time job
Not all freelance jobs are online jobs. TaskRabbit is a freelance website focused on housework.
The work can arrange furniture, shipping, plumbing, yes. These jobs are easy to find on TaskRabbit.

13. Skyword

skyword part-time jobs
A lot of content marketing jobs can be found here. You can register as a freelance content expert, editor, article manager, yes.
Moreover, it not only serves American and English-speaking companies. Skyword is trusted by customers from 27 countries and supports up to 13 languages

14.  Designhill

designhill part-time jobs
The freelancer is transparent and is offered to clients in advance to estimate how much money it will take to perfect the design. It is a useful feature because there are many different design jobs at different prices.

15. Freelancer

website freelancer
This part-time job website is the world's largest marketplace crowd-sourcing with 32 million users. Thousands of jobs are posted here for you to get involved in following the project.
You can register here for free and take a look at hundreds of jobs posted daily.

16. Guru

freelance guru job
After registering, you will become one of more than 3 million freelancers across the globe who are looking for a job here, mainly web development, writing articles, architecture, etc.

17. Hireable

hireable freelancer job
Hireable opens up opportunities for you to get freelance jobs from the USA, Europe and elsewhere with equal opportunities.
It has an intuitive user interface and has great features that you always need: notifications of new jobs that are hiring, introducing, reviewing saved jobs and jobs you've applied for.

18. FlexJobs

flexjobs freelancer job
FlexJobs not only provides a freelance work platform, it also motivates people to choose this freelance career path. Moreover, this freelance website also collects all kinds of jobs around the world.
For just $ 14.95 a month, you get full access to the platform's large employer network, a variety of skills tests and company insights.


Choosing a freelance job means you enter a dynamic, flexible, open world to choose from. You also have a certain freedom of time and geographic location when choosing to be a freelancer.
To help you navigate your career, here are the best freelancer job websites:
  • Upwork is the best freelancer website with personal career development tools.
  • You should take a look at Designhill if you work on design.
  • Skyword is a global crowd-sourcing platform suitable for those who specialize in content and marketing.
  • TaskRabbit has many opportunities for those who work from home and work outside of the digital world.
  • WriterAccess creates opportunities for those who do copywrite and write articles, create content.
  • Freelancer has an extensive network for remote freelancer jobs.
  • Join Aquent if you are an experienced user because the platform is used by professionals.
  • Nexxt is a more multifunctional platform, suitable for people with many different platforms, looking for freelance jobs.
  • Fiverr , can help you find a job and improve your skills with the free online course.
  • Toptal has a high salary if you develop a project portfolio large enough to become "3% of global talent"
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Diệp Quân
Nguyen Manh Cuong is the author and founder of the vmwareplayerfree blog. With over 14 years of experience in Online Marketing, he now runs a number of successful websites, and occasionally shares his experience & knowledge on this blog.

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