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Fixed the problem of deleting System Reserved, EFI System partitions of Windows

Normally when you delete the partition System Reserved, EFI System, you think there is only way to reinstall Windows, however, please reinstall it, try this way to see if it will save the situation. Fixed the problem of deleting System Reserved, EFI System partitions of Windows. May apply in case you want to recreate the EFI partition to install Windows using WinNTsetup. I tried and the results were very nice.


  1. 1. Distinguish System Reserved, EFI System (ESP) partitions of Windows
  2. 2. Fix errors caused by deleting System Reserved, EFI System partitions
  3. 2.1. Fixed an issue with deleting the System Reserved partition on Windows Standard Legacy
  4. 2.2. Fixed an issue with deleting the EFI System partition on Windows UEFI standard
  5. 3. Create partitions to boot and fix boot errors
  6. 3.1 Create MSR partition
  7. 3.2 Creating an EFI System partition (ESP)
  8. 3.3 Create Recovery partition
  9. 3.4 Change the standard format for the partitions created above

1. Distinguish System Reserved, EFI System (ESP) partitions of Windows

For simplicity, I would like to brief you to make it easy to distinguish.
+ System Reserved, EFI System (ESP) partitions will be created during Windows installation.
+ In Windows Legacy: called System Reserved
+ In Windows UEFI: called EFI (ESP).
If you delete EFI (ESP), System Reserved then you will no longer be able to access Windows. When you start Windows, you will receive the message: Operating System Not Found ...
+ The illustration below is the System Reserved partition on Windows 10 Pro according to Legacy standard

+ The next illustration below is the EFI System partition (FAT 32 100MB) of Windows 10 Pro UEFI standard

2. Fix errors caused by deleting System Reserved, EFI System partitions

- You delete the System Reserved partition or EFI System. 
- Delete Recovery, MSR (with UEFI Win) partitions and combine with Win drive (C). 
- When restarting the computer, you get either  Operating System Not Found  or  No bootable image found ...

- Remember to create USB BOOT in advance with Anhdv Boot according to the article  Create UEFI LEGACY multi-function USB

2.1. Fixed an issue with deleting the System Reserved partition on Windows Standard Legacy

- You start your computer, select Boot Options
  + USB in Legacy
  + Or USB line without UEFI
  + Select  Boot Mini Windows → Mini Win10 64 bit
- After entering in Mini Win10 64bit, run Macrium Reflect on Desktop of Mini Windows and follow the instructions of the article  Macrium Reflect fix BCD, Winload.Exe, Winload.Efi, Recovery

- Error deleting the System Reserved partition, EFI System successfully when the check mark is green as shown. If successful, green will appear and you can delete the old BCD part. 
 - If there is no green check mark, you must go to Mini Windows and do it again with Macrium Reflect

2.2. Fixed an issue  with deleting the EFI System partition on Windows UEFI standard

- You start your computer, go to Boot Options to select the USB line in UEFI or UEFI. 
- Select  Boot Mini Windows  >  Mini Win10 64 bit [UEFI]
- Next, run the Partition Wizard program   on the Desktop to recreate the deleted partitions
Next, select the Windows (C :) installation drive and choose to continue Move / Resize Partition function 
Note the red numbering
1: Select the correct drive to adjust. Because there is a friend because I didn't choose to mistake it for another drive.
2. Select  Move / Resize Partition
3. Turn the unit to MB
4.Hold down the left mouse button, drag to the right until item 5 is about 500MB ~ 680MB or a bit more.
Select Apply to create an empty partition (Unallocated).

3. Create partitions to boot and fix boot errors

3.1 Create MSR partition

Next, you create the MSR partition.
You proceed in the order of the image above
+ Item 1. Select an empty partition
+ Item 2. Select create partition (Create Partition)
+ Item 3. Move the cursor to the left arrow (item 3), drag the mouse to the right, notice the number 4 is about 16.14 MB ~ 20MB is okay.
+ Section 5: You name MSR
+ Drive Letter to remember to be  None .
Then, click OK.

3.2 Creating an EFI System partition (ESP)

You create the EFI System partition (ESP) similar to the image below
+ Item 1: Select an empty partition
+ Item 2: Select create partition (Create Partition)
+ Item 3: Put the cursor on the left arrow (item No. 3), drag the mouse to the right, notice the number 4 is about 100MB ~ 120MB.
+ Create with Primary, File System is FAT32
+ Section 4: Part Drive Letter you select  None .

3.3 Create Recovery partition

This is an important partition, use this partition to Reset, Startup repair.
Same as above you created as shown in Figure
3. Item 3: Name Recovery
+ Create with Primary, File System is NTFS
+ Item 4: The Drive Letter section you select  None .

3.4 Change the standard format for the partitions created above

The next step is to change the format for the partitions you just created above to prepare for the steps to fix the problem of deleting System Reserved, EFI System partitions of Windows.
+ Change Partition Type ID for Recovery partition:  Click on Recovery partition, in  Partition Management  → Change Partition Type ID
Item 3: Select  Windows Recovery Environment
+ Change Partition Type ID for EFI System partition
Same as above you choose EFI System partition, in section 3, select EFI System Partition
as shown above.
+ Change Partition Type ID for MSR partition
Similar to the above 2 partitions, you choose MSR partition, and item 3 selectWindows Microsoft Reserved Partition
Finally, click Apply to complete the process of initializing deleted partitions.
Good luck.
Since these are sensitive partitions and affect the system when booting Windows, you should understand and delete and re-create, but if you are not sure, you should find out online and it is best not to touch it does nothing for misery.
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