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UX user experience index 2019

Do you monitor the UX (user experience) index for your product / service pages?
If not:
  • How do you know your business has brought the most effective experience to customers?
  • Has the design change brought a good or bad experience to users?
  • How can you adjust the budget for UX if you don't know how to measure?

There are many UX indicators to follow for a website. But you will go crazy if you follow all these indicators.
Instead, focus on some important UX indicators. 
Typically 6 important indicators I will introduce you to the following.
However, which UX index should you choose to match your website SEO goals?
This article is the answer.
Table of Contents Hide ]
  • 6 Important UX index
    • 1. Satisfaction (Satisfaction)
    • 2. Introduction (Recommendation):
    • 3. Application calculation (Usability):
    • 4. Ratings (Ratings):
    • 5. User actions (User Tasks):
    • 6. Product description:
  • HEART model 
    • Happiness:
    • Engagement:
    • Adoption (Apply):  
    • Retention (Maintain):
    • Task success (Success of the task):
    • Should all 5 elements be applied?
  • Process of Goals - Signals - Metrics 
    • Goals - Goals
    • Signals - Signs
    • Metrics - Index

6 Important UX index

1. Satisfaction (Satisfaction)

UX user experience index 2019
Customer satisfaction is probably the factor that represents the best user experience.
Basically, a bad experience will not bring customer satisfaction. You can ask users about their level of satisfaction with each specific feature, how the experience is today, and what general comments they have about your product / service.
Because of the fact, we often talk about frustration rather than satisfaction. Therefore, the best approach is to give a rating of user experience on a scale of 5 - 7 points, from "very unhappy" to "very satisfied".
Use a scale of 5-7 points to assess the level of satisfaction
Based on surveys, feedback in the app and the form on the website you can grasp the level of user experience satisfaction most effectively.
Because you will realize that most of these indicators not only indicate the level, but also the reason why users choose low or high satisfaction levels.

2. Introduction (Recommendation):

Like the "Satisfaction" indicator, "Introduction" is also a great indicator of UX.
Simply, if the user has a good experience before then it is easy for them to recommend your product / service to others.
Therefore, it is not surprising that calculating the ability to introduce to others has become a fever in the business market. This is primarily done on the NPS (Net Promoter Score) - an indicator of customer satisfaction.
NPS is very simple. By asking the following question, you can measure NPS points to show customer loyalty.
Net Promoter Score on a 10-point scale
This idea may seem appealing, but the NPS index is not necessarily the perfect indicator as everyone thinks.
In fact, this index can easily lead to mistakes in measuring UX index.
The introduction probably doesn't mean that the customer has a good experience, maybe they are a hard fan of your brand.
And users with good experience are not sure they will recommend to others.
Ask users to evaluate the possibility of proposing products / services on a scale of 10.
What is the difference between scale 2 and 3? Or a scale of 5 and a scale of 6?
What if I introduce my friends instead of colleagues?
Or do I recommend this case but not for another case?
Worse, the NPS index only categorizes customers into 3 groups: Critics (0-6), passive people, no compliments (7-8) and promoters (9-10).
NPS points are calculated by:
NPS =% Promoters -% of reviewers
Neutral people (not complimenting, blaming) are no problem. But the problem is that this is too simple.
O levels are more noticeable than level 6 and include levels 2 and 6.
This means that even if UX changes, it will not affect the NPS score.
For example, when users change ratings from 0 points to 6 points (or skyrocket from 0 to 6 points) will not affect the NPS index because they are still in the critique group.
That's why I say this indicator is very easy to make a mistake in measuring UX.
Instead, you should ask simpler questions like:
Instead of using NPS, use a 5-point scale to measure your ability to refer to others.  
This helps users make fewer choices and is easier to explain for their choices.
If you still have to report on the NPS index, you should use the chart or visualize the data to statistically evaluate the ability to introduce products / services rather than just relying on the NPS score.
For products / services, you may consider asking users to rate if they have introduced them to friends and colleagues before. Because these genuine introductions are better than just making assumptions.

3. Application calculation (Usability):

Application may not be a different factor but it is extremely important for the product / service UX .
A product / service that is difficult to use will not be able to provide the best experience for users.
The best way for you to grasp the application of a product is to consult users how they describe the product, from "very difficult to use" to "very easy to use."
System Usability Scale (SUS) is a popular way to measure product usability, including 10 questions about applicability testing. The order is randomly placed to reduce the change in a bad way.
SUS scores are most useful for application properties set according to the standard.
It can be compared with products before and after changing or with similar products / services.
However, NOTE.
Because SUS scores are usually in the 100 range, it is often considered a percentage.
Many people think that 50 points is equivalent to 50% of users using this interface.
However it is also a common mistake. SUS scores are not percentages, they are relative scales. So you have to be careful when displaying SUS.

4. Ratings (Ratings):

You can see charts everywhere from Amazon to Apple's app store.
Because customer ratings are the most obvious factor in the quality of your products / services.
You can propose customers to rate and rank each product / service's criteria and characteristics.
You can ask the customer to evaluate each feature.
As I mentioned above, you should use a scale of 5 and ask the customer to tell you the reason for choosing that scale.

5. User actions (User Tasks):

The task is the most important element of UX. Because products that cannot support user tasks will not be able to provide a good user experience.
You should track the index that shows the user's actions: visitor session, user behavior, ...
In fact, you can measure through indicators:
  • Completion rate: Percent of users who completed their task.
  • Error rate : Percentage of users making mistakes during the execution of the task. For example, wrong navigation to the website.
  • Average number of errors: The number of errors users have made while performing the task.
  • Implementation time: The time period for the user to complete the task. This is really useful when measuring user performance.
  • Easy to implement: The ease of completing tasks. SEQ (Single ease question) - Simple question is an effective way to know this factor.

6. Product description:

How would you describe the Ferrari sports car (pictured below)?
"Great, Powerful or Attractive?"
"Applied, Prestigious or Simple?"
The words you use product / service descriptions can tell you what experiences you provide to users.
The best way to collect product descriptions from users is ....
Use tags to indicate user responses provided by Microsoft.
At this time, users can select up to 5 adjectives in the list to describe the perception of products / services (as below).
In fact, these are just six important UX indicators, not all indicators to evaluate the user experience of products / services.
Which UX index should I use ?
"CUSTOM. Depends on your goals ”
Use google's HEART model to determine UX index selection effectively.

HEART model 

Happiness :

Often use surveys to measure user attitudes. For example, the satisfaction, ease of use, and scores of network ads.

Engagement :

The level of user engagement is measured through behavioral proxies such as frequency, intensity or interaction over a period of time.
For example, the number of visits per user per week or the number of photos uploaded per day by each user.
>> Grasping a tool to effectively support statistics of your website: Google Analytics

Adoption (Apply):  

New customers use products or features. For example, the number of accounts created in the last 7 days or the percentage of Gmail users using stickers (label).

Retention (Maintain):

Rate of users returning to use products / services. For example, how many users were active before and then still active?

Task success (Success of the task):

Includes traditional behavioral indicators of user experience, such as calculating performance (eg task completion time), efficiency (eg, percentage of completed tasks) and error rate .

Should all 5 elements be applied?

These 5 elements are applied according to levels - from the whole product to a specific feature. For example, in Gmail, you might be interested in applying the product in general, but you can also apply key features such as labels or labels (archive).
Many people ask me:
"Why measure the Apply and Maintain factor while you can only calculate the number of unique users?"
It is very important to calculate the number of users in a specific time period (for example, users who work all week).
But if you measure 2 more Apply and Maintain elements , you will easily distinguish new users from the old users.
From there, you can show the growth or stability of your user database.
This is particularly useful for:
  • New products / features
  • Product redesigned
You do not need to create all 5 indicators.
Should l Select the most important indicators for each of your business project.
The HEART model can help you decide which specific factor to choose or ignore.
For example, customers who "approach" products do not make sense in the current business context. Users use products every day as a habit.
In this case, the whole team must focus more on "Happiness - Happiness" or "Task Success - Success of the task".
However ... it may still be considered to use the "Engagement" element for specific product features.
So how to determine whether the indicator is being monitored or implemented?
In fact, there is no miraculous "HEART model" that can help you.
The most useful indicator can only be tailored to specific products or projects ”.
So what to do …?
Perhaps the following procedure will help you.

Process of Goals - Signals - Metrics 

Goals - Goals

Think about indicators in a long list.
But this seems to be difficult to choose and which index to prioritize.
Basically, you want to use some key indicators that many people are interested in.
And to determine that index, you need:
"Determine your goals to measure the whole process according to that goal"
However, it is  not easy to determine the goals of the project and where I am in that HEART model.  
For YouTube, one of the important goals is the "Engagement" section. You will want users to enjoy the videos they watch and watch them continue to find more videos or channels they want.
But ... you need to have a specific goal for each project or feature instead of giving a general goal for the product. For Youtube channel, the essential goal is the factor "Task Success - Success of the task".
When users enter the search bar, you always want them to easily and quickly find the most relevant videos or channels.
The common mistake here is to define goals for old indicators.
For example:
"Yes, my goal is to increase traffic for the website. "
Yes, most people hope so, but how to improve the user experience to increase traffic?
Are you interested in increasing the access of old users or attracting new users?
>> You will miss the opportunity if you do not know the 6 simple steps to break the amount of fast traffic for your website. Don't hesitate, watch it now!
Most members of the group have their own goals for the project.
Therefore, this process will help you unify those goals together best.

Signals - Signs

How to identify success or failure to set goals through user behavior / behavior?
For example, the sign of "Engagement" for Youtube channel is probably the number of videos users have viewed on the channel. Or better yet, know the amount of time they watch the videos.
Signs of failure in the section "Task Success - Success of the task" for the amount of YouTube search is that users type the search but do not click on any results.
> Do you want to overcome this situation? Intensive research on click-through rate (CTR) to increase traffic for the website.
>> Increase the click rate by optimizing the Meta Description tag for the web quickly.
Often there are many very useful signs for a specific goal.
But when you find some potential candidates for that goal, you should stop searching and start researching and analyzing to choose the most useful sign.
First, you need to know:
  • Tracking that sign is easy or difficult?
  • Is your product recorded with information about related actions?
  • Can you regularly survey products?
Secondly, you should choose the signs that are compatible with the change of design. If there are already useful signs, you should analyze these data and try to capture any signs that can predict your goals.  

Metrics - Index

When you select the sign for yourself, you can adjust the signs to the index you have followed and use them to compare in A / B Test (test method comparing two versions to increase conversion rate).
>> You need to see: The formula for calculating ROI rates to improve conversion rates is effective for businesses.
For example, in interacting on YouTube, I often deploy "Time to watch video users" as well as "Average time for watching each user's video every day"
At the previous stage, you can get many indicators from the signs. You will have to analyze the collected data and decide which one is the most appropriate. 
And simplifying raw data makes them more meaningful. (eg give an average or a percentage).
In general, the Goals process - Signals - Metrics can help you give priority to different indicators suitable for your top purpose.
Avoid adding other unnecessary attractive indicators to the list. 
  • Do you use those data to make decisions?
  • Do you need to keep track of those indicators?
Focus on the indicators related to your goals to avoid wasting effort on unnecessary things.
Complete the table below to see if your product / service offers the best experience for users.
Try applying the HEART model and the Goals-Signals-Metrics process and commenting on your results below this article!
Good luck!
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