Every marketer follows their own rules. Some people like to do simple things, some like unique or reckless ways, others prefer marketing. However, there are general rules that all marketers should follow.
For example, the following 8 successful marketing rules get the approval of every marketer, according to the Entrepreneur:
1. Understanding products and customers
The first important rule is to understand your product / service from start to finish, from the inside out. This is a mandatory rule: from the beginning, you must understand what you are selling and the people you are selling to them. As a result, you can do marketing successfully.
2. Understanding the market you are competing with
Having an overview of the industry and the market you are competing with (market segmentation, demographic, region ...) is another important rule to follow. Because customers' needs, interests and demands will be very different in each market.
A thorough understanding helps you to prioritize your customer segment.
Having an overview of the industry and the market you are competing with is another important rule to follow. Photo: rawpixel / UnSplash.
3. Define the objectives
Any marketing strategy must ensure there is a good return on investment (ROI). Otherwise, investment in marketing is just a useless waste of time and resources.
The goals to be determined can be sales revenue, conversion rates, visibility ... Identify the goals you want to achieve, then draw measurable figures. Then regularly monitor and adjust the strategies to best suit.
4. Never ... sell products
The key to selling your product is ... "Don't sell products!" Remember, your customers are not interested in what you can sell, but they are interested in how you can solve their problems.
5. 80/20 rule
Marketing requires a lot of money. So companies often look at marketing as a "money burning machine" (except for completely B2C companies - where the direct task of marketing is to generate revenue).
Your customers are not interested in what you can sell, but they are interested in how you can solve their problems.
It is important to focus and analyze the data from the BCG matrix (short for Boston Consulting Group) - the theory was built to help businesses orient the growth strategy of market share by bringing product lists Go to 4 groups, determine the location of these products in the market to decide whether to invest or not.
Spend 80% of your time and money on products that give you the maximum return on investment, and spend 20% of your time and budget on working with new techniques, new strategies and investments for New marketing tool.
6. Regularly analyze marketing strategies
Analyzing your marketing efforts and their impact should be part of the daily work of marketers.
This will help limit mistakes in the process of implementing a certain marketing strategy. At the same time, ensure communication is smooth, know how the customer or the person receiving the message responds to the message, and how they affect them ...
7. Personalization
One size can't fit everyone. Make sure you have clearly identified all customer journey experiences and potential customers.
This is no longer a big challenge in this day and age. Using an automated marketing software will help you, help identify customer experiences and their favorite action trends.
8. Open up with feedback
A marketer must always keep his or her senses open. We should know what kind of conversation should be avoided or rejected, but at the same time, we must understand how to open up for feedback.
It's great to hear positive words, but not everything will always happen that way. Constructive comments should be welcome and only they can help the brand become stronger.
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