Here you can read short review for Android CiyaShop . If you know about the new version of Android CiyaShop , please write to us via comments.
Free Android CiyaShop application is the perfect solution for your shopping business or your client shopping store as an agency or freelancer. It Engages consumers to constitute Loyalty with sharp design and features which make sense for the online shop.
It is well-suited for retail stores, marketplaces, fashion shops, cosmetics and household appliances of any size. Check out our 20+ demos to dip into a whole new way of building robust WooCommerce-based online shops and businesses.
Android CiyaShop Features
- Google Login
- Profile
- Recently Visited Product
- Most Popular product
- Todays Special Deal(Schedule Product)
- Feature Box(Example:- Free-shipping, 10 days Replacement, Easy Refund kind of text)(Can be set From Admin)
- About us
- Contact us (Can be set From Admin)
- Social Links(Can be set From Admin)
- Notification Enable/Disabled
- Notification History(Like Order Placed,Order status change and many more)
- Rate the App
- Account Setting
- Change Password
- Deactivate Account
- Rate & Review
Download Nulled Android CiyaShop
Before you start download Android CiyaShop from DLGPL you should know. All files on our site don't contain hidden links, malware and can be downloaded by direct link. The link is generated using AJAX technology and live only 1 hour. Therefore, some Internet browsers extensions may incorrectly generate a link.
Note: If you are having trouble with Android CiyaShop free download, try to disable AD blocking for the site or try another Web Browser. If disabling AD blocker or change Web Browser not help to you please contact us.
Changes to Free Android CiyaShop
Before you begin to update Android CiyaShop , make sure that you have made a backup site.
- This is initial release
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