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Cara Membuat Situs Web dengan HostGator

Cara Membuat Situs Web dengan HostGator

Apakah Anda menjalankan bisnis atau ingin mendapatkan uang sebagai freelancer online maka Anda memerlukan situs web dan blog.

Situs web membantu Anda untuk mempromosikan dan menjual produk Anda dengan sukses merespons kebutuhan pelanggan karena blog memiliki konten dan Google menyukai konten .

Jika Anda memiliki blog yang ditulis dengan baik, Anda akan mendapatkan lebih banyak pengunjung ke situs Anda dan orang-orang hari ini dimatikan oleh halaman hanya mencoba untuk menjual tanpa informasi yang sangat berharga lainnya.

Orang-orang melihat blog untuk melihat apakah situs mengetahui subjek dan akan membeli dengan lebih mudah.

So, if you're looking for earning passive income then you must need well-optimized blog or website.

Why HostGator is one of the best web hosts

For instance, HostGator is known for its exceptional customer service and reliable servers, although such qualities aren't required of hosting companies.

In general, they typically rely more on pricing and software to attract customers, having such quality service, as well as reliability, is very positive.

HostGator because of this has gotten numerous awards for its customer service.

Technical support

Websites are run on web hosting servers. This means that on occasion webmasters may have to deal with an array of technical problems.

A good web hosting company has a great technical support system (usually 24 hours a day) as well as friendly customer service.

Technical support includes the ability for webmasters to change settings within their hosting setup.


Perhaps one of the more defining features that decides whether or not a host is good or not is the type of software they use.


Also referred to as the amount of time a server goes down within a specific duration, reliability is an essential attribute of all of the best services.


What first attracts customers is the different kind of pricing packages they offer. Variety is key when it comes to pricing.

Even HostGator support team also help you to install WordPress for free of cost, then, you just need to customize your website with your own WordPress theme.

First-time bloggers can go with the shared hosting options. It's affordable and you can always upgrade your plan as the site grows.

More experienced and or switching hosting providers can go with cloud and WordPress hosting plants and that will be a great fit.

Small Business Corporation and or reselling, I would like to recommend checking out the VPS and dedicated hosting plans. 

How to create a website with HostGator  

Step 1. Visit HostGator & Choose a Hosting Plan

Visit HostGator and create Your Hostgator Account. then, 

Cara Membuat Situs Web dengan HostGator

Select a hosting plan that fits your needs. If you have just started out, then I would recommend the Hatchling plan.

But if you are really serious about this and want more resources and power go with their Baby or Business plan.

If you only plan on creating one website which is the Hatching plan or if you have multiple domains and plan on creating multiple websites go with the Baby plan but you can always upgrade later.

Step 2. Domain Name

If you don't have a domain name, you can buy dot com TLD from HostGator for $12.95 /year or one year.

Cara Membuat Situs Web dengan HostGator

General advice when choosing a domain name:

Make it easy to type
Keep it short
Use keywords
Target your area
Avoid numbers and hyphens
Make it memorable
Know your niche and
Research it 

I highly recommend purchasing domain privacy for only $1.25 per month billed annually at $14.95 and it will help protect your identity online like your name, address, etc.
Privacy protection hides your personal contact information from public view.
However, don't spend a ton of time on this step you can always change the domain name later.
Confirm hosting plan and billing cycle on this step. The biggest bang for your buck is on the 36-month term, but you can always choose monthlies, 12 months, and 24 months billing cycles as well.

Note: HostGator will charge you upfront for the entire term.

For an account creation purposes, enter your username and security pin don't forget to write this information down you'll need this later.

Filling out your billing information is pretty self-explanatory.

HostGator very generously gives you a free SSL of no extra charge to you.

Review the add-ons below and decide if you want to add additional services.

Review your order details and accept the terms.

After successfully signing up you will receive a welcome email confirming your hosting plan, control panel link, username domain password, and first & second name server connected to your account.

Step 3. Install WordPress

Within the HostGator customer portal, visit the hosting tab and find the WordPress icon Get Started with WordPress today for a one-click install.

Cara Membuat Situs Web dengan HostGator

If you have multiple domains, make sure you are installing WordPress to your preferred domain name, make sure every field gets filled in here.
Blog title, admin user, first, last name and admin email success.
WordPress has been installed to your domain, make sure to write down your username and password you'll be needing it on the next step.
Sekarang WordPress telah diinstal mari masuk ke area admin sehingga Anda dapat mulai membuat situs web.
Di tab baru ketik tebas admin WP dan masuk.
Misalnya / 
Ini akan menjadi cara termudah untuk mengakses back-end WordPress Anda dan Anda dapat mulai membuat atau mendesain situs web atau blog Anda.
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